Realm Events

Hi guys,
It's been couple of weeks and ongoing with the crystal cleansing event, and some of the mods said this is a demo for the next events. I don't think we will be able to reach 1billion mark by the end of the event, but since the reward aren't worh having a full stash of arena buffs and etc, i guess thats ok.
However, next event will be BG based, and as i understand so far, it will give us approximately %10 of our bg score in the realm points. 5k per person will be enough to cover all milestone rewards in the end.
If all the realm events in the future will have marks at billions, i highly doubt we will reach those marks. What do you think?
Is there any way to make it more manageable for the future events?
It's been couple of weeks and ongoing with the crystal cleansing event, and some of the mods said this is a demo for the next events. I don't think we will be able to reach 1billion mark by the end of the event, but since the reward aren't worh having a full stash of arena buffs and etc, i guess thats ok.
However, next event will be BG based, and as i understand so far, it will give us approximately %10 of our bg score in the realm points. 5k per person will be enough to cover all milestone rewards in the end.
If all the realm events in the future will have marks at billions, i highly doubt we will reach those marks. What do you think?
Is there any way to make it more manageable for the future events?
Is it really worth it? My opinion no
The problem is they aren't putting up anything that blows anyone away and gets players super excited to engage.
The rewards for the BG realm event are very good, and better than a regular season, but it is going to be a grind to get there and it won't be as exciting, especially if less engaged players don't show up.
These things need to be over the top. If they threw maybe a 7* nexus, a 7* awakening gem, a 2>3 gem...something big and potentially account changing for a lot of players, then they would probably get the engagement they're hoping for.
I'll be putting in my 5k points at least because the rewards are better than any other season, and that should be enough for any other player to want to do it. But to reach 1.5b points with the way the scoring is set up, there might literally not be enough players to hit that because the grind has a random and somewhat non-guaranteed pay-off.
Lofty goals are good. Impossible ones are discouraging and only make them harder to reach.
Lol i don't even think we will be able to reach %60 if im being honest. Good push, good rewards. But, yeah 1.5 billion is a crazy score. If the rewards were similar in this crystal cleansing event, we could actually see if we would reach that level or not.
The point is, these kind of events should be more reachable. Maybe lower the score, and make it twice a month. They don't even have to give out crazy rewards. (just because this is said, don't put profile pictures on the goddamn milestones. We literally spend hours to get those rewards!) Maybe people think that it's worth to spend hours in the game. Other than that, i think they are trying to do good for the community, and kudos for that.
Thanks y'all
The downside to having such a high goal. There's enough BG data out there for Kabam to make a wise decision on what a reasonable goal is based on previous player participation. That can't go 1:1 or this would be too easy. 5:1 could be a nice sweet spot. This feels like 20:1.
From what I'm seeing and hearing about this event, it's either I throw away my entire month for kabam's sake or I do something meaningful for myself with the Time and energy and yhh I'm going for me.