New Champions, same old Necropolis, are original "Best" still the best?
So I'm considering finally finishing Necropolis, it's been a year or so, why not. But in that year we have seen some serious power house releases, plus the availability of R3 champions sky rocket. So with that, who is the new top choice champions for Necropolis? Or is it a similar list as when it arrived using Aegon, Shuri, Kate, Wong etc?
The rest of the team is pretty much the same:
6* R6 Kate
6* R6 Juggs
7* R3 America Chavez
7* R3 Odin
7* R2 Shuri
Though I must say that I don't understand why people still think Aegon is the best. Isn't Kate just a better version of him? I used Aegon for my initial run and it was considerably more expensive than the ones with Kate.