These new raid bosses are very very poorly designed.

Invisible woman especially, without certain champs who can very quickly drop her shield- you are doing next to no damage at all for 90% of the fight.
These raid bosses require such specific champs, to really get them down. At least the last raid bosses, we had a bit more playroom- in terms of what champs we could use; and the ones who would do exceptionally well.
With this one it just feels like most of the vanguard pool is horrible, same for assault and tactician.
These bosses and how they operate, just feels very poorly designed. This doesn’t feel player friendly at all.
These raid bosses require such specific champs, to really get them down. At least the last raid bosses, we had a bit more playroom- in terms of what champs we could use; and the ones who would do exceptionally well.
With this one it just feels like most of the vanguard pool is horrible, same for assault and tactician.
These bosses and how they operate, just feels very poorly designed. This doesn’t feel player friendly at all.
Not quite true, I’m using an r3 OGIM with Critical Armor and I’ve done almost 50% on 4 attempts by myself with no charges.
But judging by everyone having issues, game must be bugged for me.
Not like prowler is great, on the middle lane node 3 you need to punish his specials or heavies. You can't punish his specials because he's prowler (inflicts falter on special punish) and he gets fury and pierce passives throughout the fight so be ready to eat a 20% double medium into your block while trying to bait a heavy
Also, OGIM is widely regarded as one of; if not the best option in the vanguard pool. Second to only Luke Cage.
So of course you’re not gonna have issues, especially with him being at R3.
We finished it in lane 1 but it was a nightmare fight.
I had lane 1 though, so right in between the both of those difficulties. It was pretty rough for us on Lane 1 as well.
Note, I'm on lane 1 with the medium healthpool IW.
First time ever that by thursday I'm stuck itemless behind a boss (and I mean the whole AQ stack has been emptied out).
My bg is always done by day 2 but in lane 3 we're f****d! With a Hyperion that is hit or miss (90% more miss than hit), a Silk that does absolutely NOTHING except gain more forcefileld charges, and a Count that is carrying it all on his shoulders but still, the window of damage is way too small. It's total BS!
Waiting on the Raids revives to refresh. Still got 20% of her to take down. And then that's gonna be it on this Raids for me and others until a decent map comes along!
Really well done on making players give up on the game!