Next Titan Crystal?

Probably speculation at this point but does anyone have ideas of who is in the next Titan?
Im debating saving my crystal for 30 more days…
Im debating saving my crystal for 30 more days…
The new champs slated to join are definitely Nefaria, BRB, and Enchantress. That leaves Tech, Mutant, and Skill. The next new champ coming out is Shathra who is Mystic, so are they going to add Enchantress AND Shathra? Or are they going to add 3 old/rework champs to fill those classes?
Idk, but I'm hoping they add Shathra in this next batch as well.
this time they will probably skip mutant as we are getting 7* Mr. Sinester
so 1 tech & 1 skill
I hope it's buffed sentinel and stealth spidey/hit monkey
It would however be the first time they'd add 3 older champs instead of just adding Shathra + 2 older champs, but I think they should just add her, especially with her coming out a good 3-4 weeks before the pool rotates again.
It's likely they'll just add shathra, otherwise it messes with upcoming titan rotations as well (Remember the titan following the next one includes oct and nov champs, and nov has spiral (another mystic)).
Tho I'm holding till Banquet Titan reset but next pool will have shathra, brb, count nefa, Enche.
If it wasn’t for Nefaria I would’ve assumed she hulk would’ve been the next for titan treatment but it’s unlikely.
All the good champs I said above will still be there by December /February and the duds like Northstar, Arcade and mid champs like arcade/patriot will be gone. Hood will leave too yes but he needs high sig anyway.
Same man
Is Nefaria, Enchantress, Shathra and Beta…
I dont hate those additions! I have been trying my hardest not to open this titan…