Colossus and Unstoppable Colossus SP2 not hitting [Fix in Next Update]

Colossus and Unstoppable Colossus SP2 move is not hitting after I go from a 5 hit combo, the 1st hit of his SP2 misses and it the AI time to recover from my 5 hit combo. I.m on Iphone so plz look in to it.
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on
What's the status of this? Have had opportunities to end fights with his sp2 but it's still whiffing...
It's been more than a couple of weeks now, not couple of days as you promised.
He is still whiffing his MLLLM SP2 attack.
Literally just whiffed in an arena fight against medusa. I'm using 5* duped unstoppable colossus. Not sure how to get video. Could you please advise where to find a fight recorder in the game please?
So we have two posts from you in this thread. The first post says a fix is coming. The second says it's working. Does that mean the fix went thru at some point between your posts?
Thanks for a your anticipated prompt response to this.
the same thing happens with beasts first special