How to get a free titan crystal in the BG event & why it can't be done.

1. Play all matches with elder marks
2. Win around 50% matches, not much more, not much less.
Cost: Zero, if there is enough participation.
Effort: Play a 100 matches with elder marks over 28 days, win 50 of them.
Who can do this: Anyone currently in gold or above in VT. People in diamond will get to GC.
1. Play all games with elder marks
2. Play normally till you win rate is above 50%
3. If you have won more than half your games, start the next match and take a 10 min break.
4. Go for a walk, make a cup of coffee, talk to you mom/partner/kids/friend, read a book, watch a show, whatever makes you happy.
5. Play 3-4 matches a day - 25-30 min time commitment.
What do we get in return:
Assuming enough participation, if we can get to 1B points
1. 1 Titan crystal
2. 1 7-star crystal
3. 1 T4 Alpha
4. 2 T6 CC
5. 90K+ BG tokens
6. 7-star sig stones
7. 6-star shards and stones
8. You got to do something nice outside the game.
Why this can work:
1. Cost of playing a 100 matches with elder marks is 9,000 elder marks. Winning 50% of them gives you 4,550 points. There are also 50 points every two days for winning a BG match (700 over 28 days). Total of 5,250 points.
2. There are 6,000 elder marks in milestones for anyone putting up more than 3,500 points. There are 3,000 elder marks in VT for anyone getting to Diamond 1. 9,000 marks in all, which covers the cost of playing these 100 matches. No units spend required.
3. Diamond 5 to GC requires 49 medals. Current scoring system gives you 2 medals for a win and takes away a medal for a loss. At 50% win rate we get 1 medal for every two games. 50 medals over 100 games gets anyone from diamond to GC.
4. 3-4 games a day isn't a huge ask.
Why this won't work:
1. Requires 190K players to do this. While more than that many players play BG, everyone needs to play more or less the same way to get there. Practically impossible.
2. Requires high win rate players to drop pass on some of the wins to lower progression players. But unlike traditional point farmers, this would need to be done with elder marks, which is considered a premium resource. I doubt the 30-50K of the strongest accounts will consider playing at a higher loss rate.
Caveat: I'm not advocating tanking matches. If most people play normally and get to their appropriate competition level, win rates should stabilize at ~50%. This probably just needs a heavy lift in the beginning where everyone plays so that the tiers are sorted out sooner than in a traditional season. Practically, this just needs people who can get to GC to get there at the earliest.
The playstyle is counterintuitive to the traditional seasons where players tactically optimize their playtime to allow for waves of players to progress. Or farm points in lower tiers making the push to GC towards the end of the season. In most seasons one is trying to get to as high a win rate as possible. In this season winning or losing does not matter, the point gains will be from matches played. If majority of the BG players play with this mentality we will hit the higher milestones easily. There are enough elder marks in the event to get there.
The key is to reduce the number of imbalanced matches, which requires progressing fast and not being disheartened by the losses when you are at your appropriate competition level. Spreading out the wins is the only way to keep 200K players engaged. Anyone trying to maximize their own points by distorting competition is not really helping even if they put up a massive individual score. Your absolute point total doesn't matter, the number of matches you play this season does.
1. Play all matches with elder marks
2. Win around 50% matches, not much more, not much less.
Cost: Zero, if there is enough participation.
Effort: Play a 100 matches with elder marks over 28 days, win 50 of them.
Who can do this: Anyone currently in gold or above in VT. People in diamond will get to GC.
1. Play all games with elder marks
2. Play normally till you win rate is above 50%
3. If you have won more than half your games, start the next match and take a 10 min break.
4. Go for a walk, make a cup of coffee, talk to you mom/partner/kids/friend, read a book, watch a show, whatever makes you happy.
5. Play 3-4 matches a day - 25-30 min time commitment.
What do we get in return:
Assuming enough participation, if we can get to 1B points
1. 1 Titan crystal
2. 1 7-star crystal
3. 1 T4 Alpha
4. 2 T6 CC
5. 90K+ BG tokens
6. 7-star sig stones
7. 6-star shards and stones
8. You got to do something nice outside the game.
Why this can work:
1. Cost of playing a 100 matches with elder marks is 9,000 elder marks. Winning 50% of them gives you 4,550 points. There are also 50 points every two days for winning a BG match (700 over 28 days). Total of 5,250 points.
2. There are 6,000 elder marks in milestones for anyone putting up more than 3,500 points. There are 3,000 elder marks in VT for anyone getting to Diamond 1. 9,000 marks in all, which covers the cost of playing these 100 matches. No units spend required.
3. Diamond 5 to GC requires 49 medals. Current scoring system gives you 2 medals for a win and takes away a medal for a loss. At 50% win rate we get 1 medal for every two games. 50 medals over 100 games gets anyone from diamond to GC.
4. 3-4 games a day isn't a huge ask.
Why this won't work:
1. Requires 190K players to do this. While more than that many players play BG, everyone needs to play more or less the same way to get there. Practically impossible.
2. Requires high win rate players to drop pass on some of the wins to lower progression players. But unlike traditional point farmers, this would need to be done with elder marks, which is considered a premium resource. I doubt the 30-50K of the strongest accounts will consider playing at a higher loss rate.
Caveat: I'm not advocating tanking matches. If most people play normally and get to their appropriate competition level, win rates should stabilize at ~50%. This probably just needs a heavy lift in the beginning where everyone plays so that the tiers are sorted out sooner than in a traditional season. Practically, this just needs people who can get to GC to get there at the earliest.
The playstyle is counterintuitive to the traditional seasons where players tactically optimize their playtime to allow for waves of players to progress. Or farm points in lower tiers making the push to GC towards the end of the season. In most seasons one is trying to get to as high a win rate as possible. In this season winning or losing does not matter, the point gains will be from matches played. If majority of the BG players play with this mentality we will hit the higher milestones easily. There are enough elder marks in the event to get there.
The key is to reduce the number of imbalanced matches, which requires progressing fast and not being disheartened by the losses when you are at your appropriate competition level. Spreading out the wins is the only way to keep 200K players engaged. Anyone trying to maximize their own points by distorting competition is not really helping even if they put up a massive individual score. Your absolute point total doesn't matter, the number of matches you play this season does.
I doubt we can keep that pace up though, if we hit 800 million id be surprised
I actually wouldn't be too surprised if next week we started speeding up our progression a bit.
We will reach 1 billion ✅
So it's not that straight forward.if u keep loosing it's frustrating to play and less chance u want to lose again every day