Raids bugs October meta 2024

_Moe__Moe_ Member Posts: 22
edited October 2024 in Bugs and Known Issues
I chose the middle path using Negasonic 7r2 (assault role).
List of the bugs I encountered in this raid's round:
1. Negasonic 2nd special bug, i always put 16 incinerate charges. But in raids, i put zero, and this happened in several runs.
2. I do the objectives/missions, and i gain zero fervor, and this happened in several runs.
3. i can't gain vigilance buff, and this also happened in several runs.
4. losing all the charges for all roles on this path.

Kindly do an investigation on these bugs in raids urgently, as this amount of bugs really mess up the game experience. It would be great if the raid revive cap is removed as a sort of temporary remedy till these issues are resolved.



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