Forfeit Option to be Gone

Do you agree or Not ?
If forfeit option wont exist, no bg point farming, no rage quitting and more likely players to get better
and improve in the mode.
If forfeit option wont exist, no bg point farming, no rage quitting and more likely players to get better
and improve in the mode.
Forfeit Option to be Gone 132 votes
Stop complaining
Find another hill to die on; don’t be like @MorningstarIsBae and cry on forums when others beat you.
If anything im trying to defend the lower players and the weaker ones.
Forfeit is still useful in several cases, for instance if I'm a Cav player and get matched with a valiant and coincidentally I just happen to use energy, its no point wasting like what 3-5 mins for your life when you can forfeit and start a new one/do something else. Also even if someone is using elder's mark and has to go the forfeit button is handy, its really not that big of an issue since almost no one is farming this season
You try hard when using elder marks
So I forfeit and save that summoner and me time. More time is saved for both than if I just force close the app.
No one is going to get better forcing them to sit there for 3-5 minutes and get their brains beat in for upteenth time followed by some Loki emojis thrown their way. Better to rage quit and play later than abandon the mode altogether or uninstall the app because they get tired of wasting their time
Idc about point farmers because they give me the win 🤣. Being in that awkward spot of to weak to fight them but too strong for them to fight me 😭
In this case, the summoner just close the game, to receive a call or do one.
Let the fight continue....
Or pick the smartphone and run for your life.
No need to click to resign...
Or you can just keep winning and waste elder marks when you start getting match's against accounts you can't win , people point farming have probably added more points to event directly and indirectly than you did
Battlegrounds is a really time consuming game mode with the average match taking anywhere from 5 to 10 minuets. That’s going through matchmaking,..champion selection,..timers, and the actual fights.
The forfeit option actually allows players with a well under matched roster to save valuable time,..and considering where time could be spent in the many other game modes,..time is valuable to many.
Especially for those that do not have a great deal of daily hours to invest in the game and have to pick and choose.
If you eliminate the forfeit option,..I believe you will eliminate a significant amount of summoners willing to invest in the game mode.
I forfeit when I'm in a losing streak and that too happens on last few days of the season. Never ever have i forfeited a ElderMarks match. Yes I get salty, that's why I know. I even forfeited just after the draft due to tilt. And I don't even play that much to be on streaks. 90% of the season I'm do objectives and call it.
Guys if you wanna forfeit, no one's stopping you. But so many people do that on regular basis, those small numbers add to a lot.
No comment on farming forfeits.....
But when you have actually played through a full match, just wait 10 more seconds lol.