Best cgr cycle?
Member Posts: 871 ★★★
I’ve been using cosmic ghost rider for a while now and he’s an awakened, ascended, rank 5 6*, but I still don’t know which cycle is the best. I usually just wing it and it works lol. I should probably start using a cycle that I can guarantee will work every time no matter what content I’m doing though. Which one do y’all recommend?
If you can safely parry stun for most fights the best rotation is:
Parry > Heavy
MLLLL (intercept to start this combo if you can)
Parry > MLLLM > SP2
As the precision from sp2 helps in more crits.
Precision is a one of judgements, and the precision from Dex triggers this judgement and it takes away the potential crit hits.
Just learn two basic rotation.
The basic one we all use that crashed mentioned. (Iirc, Munash invented this rotation first)
And The fury rotation from sp3. (This rotation is not a priority in genral, but is helpful in Armor break immune fights)
These two Covers 99% of the fights.
And the main rotation is on your own hands, which is getting familiar with what judgements you trigger and when you trigger them. Keeping track is key.
Don't use a relic which triggers a precision on relic activation. (Same reason as Dex)
Use a thor relic. 3/4* is enough.
Youtuber Slayer of God have many cgr rotations. It can be overwhelming, so look at his videos, and pick what you are looking for. Its better to master one at a time and ignore the rest.
Anyways for bgs use crashed rotation.
This is going to look like a lot, but CGR can literally hit 300k medium attacks with this cycle, so it's well worth learning.
- MLLLM for Vigilance
- Dex for Precision
- Sp1 for Unblockable and Cruelty
- Build your Power to Sp3 (do not use Power Gain yet)
- Once you're at a Sp3, ensure your opponents against the wall (tapping their block can help push them back) and that they're low on Power
- MLLLL for Power Gain
- Immediately Parry and spam Heavy attacks
- Launch your Sp3 just before your Judgments reset (that way your Fury buff will last 45 seconds due to all the Judgements)
- After Sp3, MLLLM for Vigilance
- MLLLL for Power Gain
- Parry then charge Heavy for Aptitude, and cancel into Sp2 (or just use Thor Relic to get Aptitude then use Sp2)
- Continue cycling Sp2 until your Fury expires or your opponent does
If you want a video guide:
That means he'll regularly activate his Degeneration (and Fate Seal); which actually hurts, if he's high Sig and has a defending +200% Attack.
So, on Fury nodes, he's got access to some almost unavoidable damage, unless you've got a good Mystic counter or someone degen-resistant like Spider-Ham.
Make sure to use a medium and light ending combo as well as dexterity as you build up to sp3.
Make sure the opponent uses their power and then charge heavy but cancel into sp3.
Then you can parry and heavy spam until degen and power lock falls off(I forgot what it was called lol).
Next parry and end in a light to gain power and then parry and end in a medium and launch sp2 right after. (Be careful not to dex in this step)
To make it easier in the step where you heavy spam I just do a five it combo into a relic and then out of the relic I do a light ending combo to jump straight into the power gain step.
Please try this for yourself and tell me if it’s a good strategy. It seems to do more than enough for me.
Heavy, MLLLL and MLLLM into sp2.
Then while damination is active, throw a 5 bit combo.
After that, throw a MLLLL, Thor relic+ MLLLM into sp2. Great for questing and bgs