Saga AG and Sig Help

The_Doctor_24_1The_Doctor_24_1 Member Posts: 188 ★★
I've been holding on to the saga awakening gem and sig stones up to 150 for a while now and I've come to the conclusion that I can use it on Spiderman 2099 or Void, since I can get the other champs on basic crystals

Saga AG and Sig Help 11 votes

Awake Spiderman 2099 (sig150)
BigTuna_2054captain_rogers 2 votes
Awake Void (sig150)
blurblotFurrymoosenGiantwalrus56KeredStrikerChrisRM93RiptideJackTheSnackwillrun4adonut_Pez_ 9 votes
Other champ


  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,227 ★★★★★
    Awake Void (sig150)
    A 7* high sig void would be a monster!
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