Out of the frying pan, into the fire? (AI evolution)

Prior to this week’s update, I thought of AI parry risk in two caregories:
1) re-parry (double hit mediums, hitting into block, etc)
2) “you’re too late” parries where you dash in to punish a special or heavy but the AI recovers and you get parried
Following the update, I haven’t experienced category 1, although that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s gone. I have definitely experienced category 2, and what’s maybe most troubling is that I (sample size of one, of course) have experienced a third category that I would call “human-style” parries — meaning, the AI is starting to use parry the way that we do. It hangs back, holds block, doesn’t dash in very often and waits for us to dash then just parries the us in the most basic way possible.
I’m not getting reparried and it’s not a matter of a late attempt to punish a special, this new example seems different. And potentially much worse.
1) re-parry (double hit mediums, hitting into block, etc)
2) “you’re too late” parries where you dash in to punish a special or heavy but the AI recovers and you get parried
Following the update, I haven’t experienced category 1, although that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s gone. I have definitely experienced category 2, and what’s maybe most troubling is that I (sample size of one, of course) have experienced a third category that I would call “human-style” parries — meaning, the AI is starting to use parry the way that we do. It hangs back, holds block, doesn’t dash in very often and waits for us to dash then just parries the us in the most basic way possible.
I’m not getting reparried and it’s not a matter of a late attempt to punish a special, this new example seems different. And potentially much worse.
I've had the AI dash back, idle, then parry/special intercept on reaction. It's very unsafe to dash at opponents at the moment.
Dr. Zola