Show ur top general roster, not just mutants. Alot of non mutants do the fight nicely. Also you can do it with pretty much anyone, just havr a good damage, tanky/high block prof champ
Go in with plenty of units and revives, don’t go in without any, mainly because dexxing the specials and heavy’s require skill, so if you remember them you can do this fight pretty well.
Mutants are good, Bishop and Emma Frost specifically, however anyone can do this fight, don’t throw Emma’s sp1, wait for the sp2 and she hits like a truck.
But why would you use Sauron, when you've got Apocalypse right there...?
Also you can do it with pretty much anyone, just havr a good damage, tanky/high block prof champ
Mutants are good, Bishop and Emma Frost specifically, however anyone can do this fight, don’t throw Emma’s sp1, wait for the sp2 and she hits like a truck.