Nick Fury BG Bug Costing Matches

The_Blue_JaguarThe_Blue_Jaguar Member Posts: 255 ★★
edited October 2024 in General Discussion
I’ve fought NF three times in BGs today, and each time when he enters his second life, he takes no damage from the debuff. This is very frustrating, and has caused me to lose the matches due to the extra time it takes to KO him since he doesn’t properly lose health down to 30%. I took a screen recording, but it seems I can only post photos, so I attached two screenshots 3 seconds apart. I did not hit him during this time, and you can see he doesn’t take any damage from his second life phase.


  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 844 ★★★★
    Not seeing any screenshots here, but either way it’s not a bug. Crit me with your best shot. No damage from anything except critical hits. Nick’s second life damage isn’t a critical hit, so no damage.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,338 ★★★★★
    OG Storm has entered the chat
  • TrongNovTrongNov Member Posts: 320 ★★★
    Well, now that makes sense that whenever I saw Nick in my opponent's selection screen, they chose him and as an owner of 6r5A NF, I kept wondering he had some abilities to resist guaranteed crit rate or what, lol. Then I just fought him with either Juggs or Domino and didn't realize his second life didn't degenerate.
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