Sigil Store

Hello Kabam Devs reading this, I would like to say that generally deals that have been sold to us during July 4th/Glorious Games/Spring Sale/Cyber weekend are all generally worth spending on as far as the last year and a half has been imo. What isn’t worth the amount of money required anymore for a long time is the sigil store it is so old that I don’t even know why people who don’t arena would even consider buying it anymore. Please consider making a few changes to the Sigil store, as a valiant player I feel like that’s a fair ask. Hopefully, we see some update on it soon.


  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,265 ★★★★★
    If we scaled the sigil 1-10, it probably launched at an 8. Solid return for the money. You still get a bit more than what you pay for, but it hits at like a 4 at best. It didn't break the game at an 8 then, it won't break the game at an 8 now. It is overdue for new life.
  • DrDoomSlayerDrDoomSlayer Member Posts: 4
    Exactly I am not asking for it to have anything game-breaking but since I already have the 7* Sigil. Don't see any reason to continue to invest in the sigil for my account.
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,094 ★★★★★
    I stopped buying the sigil a few months ago. There’s just no value for money. Last I remember there wasn’t anything at Valiant level in Black Iso market. It needs a really solid update to make it relevant.
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