Leaving the game after (nearly) 10 years

SablknightSablknight Member Posts: 4
Hi everyone,

I know that this post doesn't really matter, as I'm not big on the forums or in content creation or anything but I just deleted the game after playing (and spending $) for nearly ten years. I started playing this game in early 2015 just before I graduated high school and I loved it. I loved collecting fun champions and taking on somewhat challenging content from time to time. Nowadays, I feel like I consistently collect mediocre champions and then am gaslit by YouTubers into thinking that they are great, when in reality they are just fine but not widely useable in meaningful game modes (I'll talk more about this later).

Anyways, I just wanted to write a post on why I'm leaving the game here as a method to both give some insight to the devs. Also I guess I just want to talk about why I feel I've been pushed to this conclusion (yes, I do feel pushed, I've been trying very hard to justify myself continuing to play this game for around a year now). I'm going to try not to be obscenely negative here, and give as moderate views as possible.

My reasons for leaving the game:

1) Burnout

This is the easy one and it is no one's fault. Everyone burns out from doing the same thing over and over again. We all have different tolerance levels and mine has been growing smaller for this game since about 2022, though champions decisions that I'll talk about in 2023 - 2024 definitely sped this process up for me. It is a testament to the game design that it took me nearly 8 years (until 2022) of near daily play before I go to this point. Kudos to the devs.

2) How I feel playing this game (frustrated, disappointed, hateful)

Here's a question for you: Do you have fun when you play this game? I think that I used to, but those days are over. Long gone are the days where I looked forward to playing quests and opening crystals. Now I do it because I feel like it's a chore to check off my list (and sunk cost fallacy). Certainly, I get that the game is designed that way. And throughout the pandemic even when I felt that it was a chore, I was still enjoying the game play enough not to mind the chore and looked at it as part of my daily checklist. But nowadays I genuinely dislike most of the time I spend playing this game. I attribute my burnout most to battlegrounds, new champion design, the ramping up of monetization, and absurd RNG of crystal opening at this point in the game.

3) Battlegrounds

This (like the rest of my post, but this bullet point in particular) is completely a me problem, and I'll own that. I don't like who I am playing battlegrounds. It makes me very frustrated because I get out drafted, or the AI isn't cooperative, or because I get out played and it frustrates me (#3 is probably the most common cause of my failures). I'm fairly good at this game. I was (until it was decided that the AI should be god like) great at intercepting, both light and medium. I can reparry, bait specials, bob and weave, all that jazz. I mention this in case anyone reads this post and thinks that I was a pleb who needed to git gud. I don't like battlegrounds because the rewards for anyone who isn't in the top 100 players at the end of the month is garbage. This month was the first time I felt like I had a good amount of battlegrounds currency in the entire lifetime of the game mode. However, this month's GC meta (Crit me) has been a cluster **** of frustration and was the metaphorical straw that broke my back into deleting this game. How do you go about designing multiple champions who cannot be intercepted and then go and make a meta that requires intercepting? Come on guys. Once again, another example of making decisions to annoy your player base. This is a common theme, and one of the main things that has pushed me away.

4) New Champions

This is the big one. If there was one main reason I'm leaving, it is this. The champion design that started with Photon/Kindred and has only gotten worse leaves me flabbergasted. It is obvious to me that Kabam devs think that this game has been too easy? Which I don't get. Sure, it isn't the most difficult game in the world, but I don't really want to fight the most difficult dark souls bosses every day, and new ones thrown into the pile monthly to learn. Maybe most of you do, I don't know. Take a champion that nowadays people say is "well designed", Photon. Her special attacks while in pure light form are undexable and unblockable. This is absurd. Now, you could try to nuke her before she gets there, certainly there are champions to allow this like Kate or Mantis, in crit me meta this pool expands. But I have to ask myself, why design the champion this way? Why design something that you cannot interact with once you pass an easily passable threshold? The answer is so that players are so frustrated that they spend loads of money to buy the next champion that counters this horrendous defender. Now you may read the previous sentence and say "Well of course! This is a game, the devs need to make money!" Personally, I'm not fine with the Apple business model of "We're creating a problem that you have to pay us money to fix." I think that it is a shady business practice and it has pushed me away. I'm not a fan of champions who force you to take unavoidable damage for playing the designed game (bullseye, Onslaught, Enchantress), punish you for using advanced fighting techniques in the game (Negasonic, Spiderpunk, Destroyer) or have unavoidable and overpowered power gain mechanics (Destroyer, White Tiger, Serpent, and this whole AW meta). No, not all of the champions I just listed are amazing defenders and impenetrable walls of tank, but they all have these frustrating mechanics that are difficult to avoid without a perfect or near perfect counter. When the game was just somewhat difficult defenders (like Rintrah, Terrax, Super Skull) that could be ramped up difficulty by nodes sets, and who you only had to kill one-six times per quest, I was fine with the difficulty. I was excited by it, even. Because there was an end in sight for the madness, and once I beat it for the sixth time I knew that I wouldn't have to deal with that brand of frustration again. Nowadays, every single time I encounter any one of these champions I know that I have to relive this frustration daily, and it has made me quite jaded.

The other big problem with the new champions is that they're garbage attackers. I see YouTubers complain about "over powered champions" that shouldn't be in the game like Kitty Pryde or Hercules and I'm genuinely confused. Is it not fun to feel like you have lots of power in your hands? Isn't it fun to feel like you can piledrive your way through the challenges put in front of you? Well, it's fun for me, at least. Yes, I got bored using Herc (not Kitty, I think that she's the most fun champion in the game, hate on me if you wish), so I just stopped using him to give me more of a challenge. Because with all of these people complaining about power champions, I feel like the game devs got the idea that they needed to make more mediocre attackers. No one wants to pull **** from a crystal, but almost even worse is pulling champions who are basically ****, but have minute situational uses. Like my god, look at the attackers this year. Iron Heart is so close to good that it isn't funny. Everyone knows how to make her really good, too. Extend the lifetime of her debuffs or give her a reliable way to refresh them. Any other year that's how she would have been designed (look at Kate Bishop or Omega Sentinel as my proof). But no, we can't get that, because then she'd be a broadly useable champion, which it seems as though the devs are against. The list of these almost decent champions goes on. Negasonic, Beta Ray Bill, Prowler, White Tiger, Silver Sable (LMFAO). None of these champions are widely used on attack in battle grounds. I'd guess that very few are routinely used in questing either. So I have to ask myself, what's the point of these champions? The answer that I can come up with is that KABAM doesn't want us have broad use champions anymore. They want you bringing specific counters to every fight. But none of the game modes work that way. I can't just choose negasonic because my opponent chose bullseye. I have to be lucky enough to draft her. Most of the champions drafted for attack are 2022 champions or earlier (with the notable exceptions of KB, Vox (the love of my life thank you KABAM for making such a wonderful champion), and Werewolf). Yes, I know that most champions are from earlier years, but you get my point. Most champions drafted for attack are 2022 or earlier, most drafted for defense are 2023 or later (or were buffed in 2023 or later). I don't have the data for that statement, I am making a generalization that probably doesn't fully stand up to in depth scrutiny, feel free to correct me if I am particularly wrong abut my last statement.

The coupling of frustratingly difficult defenders with the drought of invigoratingly powerful attackers pushed me away from this game the hardest. I want to feel powerful playing these legendary characters. None of the new champions make me feel this way (god except for Vox. Wow you guys seriously killed it with that champion. Kudos. Love Vox. Vox supremacy).

PS. Jesus Christ just put the best champions into the 7* pool. I'm so tired of hearing that "Oh CGR would be so overpowered if he were in the pool." No, he'd be the kind of champion that you get exceptionally excited to pull. Instead, the 7* pool is only filled with okay attackers and god level defenders. Power creep exists because you have to keep moving forward. Power creeping your defenders without matching with attackers just makes people mad. Stop banking on frustrating your community to make money.

5) AI, lag, and bugs

This one was always going to be here. I'm not going to say much, just that this has gotten absurd. The amount of bugs that get through play testers (I'm not convinced play testers exist) is downright shameful. I will admit that in recent months I think this has gotten better. Except for AI. My goodness, the AI in this game plays at the level of a professional sports player. Stop that. I should be able to reliably intercept, parry, and bait special attacks (with the exception of a select few defenders). It seems like every time the playerbase discovers and masters a new technique (reparry, light intercepts, etc) the AI learns it and makes it significantly less reliable within a year. For those of you too new to this game to remember, "intercepting" at all didn't become a common thing until around 2018-2019. Now it's not only a requisite to play the game, but now you need to know that the AI has learned to punish your intercepts and throw a special while you're performing an intercept. Stop evolving the AI. Once again, you're just making an already technically challenging game more frustrating.

Lag is just comedically laughable at this point. What are we doing that we cannot create a game that plays smoothly. This wasn't a problem for the first 6 years of the game. And now you're discussing introducing a 60fps version of the game? It can't even reliably run on its current frame rate. Good heavens.

6) RNG

This is a long post (very long, longer than I expected, sorry) so these last few I'm going to keep short. The odds in this game are abysmal. You want me to pay $10 for a crystal that has a 3% chance of getting me a 7*??? That is a joke. Even if I do get a 7* there far fewer useful champions to me in that crystal than there are garbage that I'll use once every blue moon. So I can't even get excited opening these crystals. Which is really really sad, as that is what a gotcha game (which this is basically one) is meant to do, push you to get excited to open new crystals. I've played quite a few gotcha games in my time, and this one has by far the lowest odds and highest price to get a new character or even a useful character out of any of them. I've never been able to excuse it, but it is just getting worse and worse as the 7* continues to get pumped full of mediocre attackers making the ratio of great champion/mediocre champion/great defender ever more skewed to grabbing something either unusable or something that only makes your roster better at pissing other people off rather than powering yourself up.

7) Monetization

I buy **** on this game. I'm not free to play, I never have been. I probably spend ~$80 per month on average. And although my partner looks on with horrified eyes when I describe this to him, I've never minded spending a bit. "After all, I play this more than any other video game." I told myself. The devs deserve some money from the player base for their work. But the level of monetization in the last year has gotten out of hand. It used to be that only July 4 and Cyber weekend (maybe Christmas too) you'd get huge spender events. Now there's one every fricken month. My god. And all it does it make the economic caste system of this game more prevalent. Despite the fact that I've been playing for a long time, I'm going up mostly against people with 7 more R3 7* than me.

The older and "wiser" I get, the more I look at micro transaction games as unethical, and the more that this game pushed big spending days and opportunities, the more that I've been pushed away by the idea of supporting this game structure (tell that to my SWGOH account though... oops)

8) YouTubers

Last one, I swear. I mentioned this at the top, so I thought I'd elaborate a bit. First of all, I love you Brian Grant. I'm probably still going to watch your live streams. You're a gem to the community and, from what I can tell by this parasocial association, a really great guy.

My big problem with YouTubers is that they aren't holding this game accountable enough. The reality is that most are just saying things that gas the devs up. And certainly, the devs should be gassed up sometimes. There's no doubt that this game is an achievement to be proud of. But my gosh, every champion that gets released isn't the next coming of the Savior. I think that this started with Lagacy (love ya dude, not meaning that I don't like you or your content) over hyping Morbius last year. But since then it has gotten out of hand. Every month I see videos talking about how crazy and awesome these new champions are. Then if you look at what champions are being routinely used 6 months later, none of those champions are anywhere to be seen. No, BRB is not a meta shifting champion. No, Werewolf by Night is not the best mystic champion in the game. No (this one is the most atrocious), Titania is not the best champ in the game period. In reality, the champions being put out in MCOC are FINE. It's time we start just saying that. If you don't like saying that because it doesn't let you make flashy enough thumbnails and titles, push the devs to make better champions.

This post was 100% my opinion, and it was made on the same day I quit the game. This post may be overly negative, I recognize that and accept that many people will read it and disagree with every point I make. I'd imagine that there aren't many people who've been playing this game consistently as long as I have (early 2015), so I thought I'd explain why I'm leaving. I purposely didn't write what I like about the game here, because it isn't relevant to why I'm leaving. If the devs read this and are interested in what I think is going well and like, they can email me. If I didn't mention it on this list, I probably like it (yes even AQ and AW).


  • SablknightSablknight Member Posts: 4

    I've quit the game twice, and come back twice.

    I'm enjoying the game more now than I think I ever have, because I've reached a point where I'm happy with what I'm doing, content to leave the rewards I don't qualify for, and just playing the game to my level - goodbye FOMO!

    Sorry that you're not enjoying things, but frankly some of your points are petty as all hell and really feel like projection of the simple fact that you're not enjoying the game and feel the need to elaborate more beyond that.

    As for YouTubers not holding them accountable - either you're not watching KT1, Vega, and Lagacy; or your idea of "holding Kabam to account" is mass boycotts and nothing less.

    Enjoy life after MCoC, and if you do get the itch to come back in a wee while, then I recommend trying to play to a lower standard than you used to.

    I agree, some of my points are definitely petty (especially the YouTubers comment, probably would take that out if I rewrote this post ah well its on the internet now).
  • SablknightSablknight Member Posts: 4
    Buttehrs said:

    Wait, so after almost 10 years, you claim new champs as the biggest reason for leaving? Then you obviously haven't played all of those 10 years because new champs being "difficult " isn't a new thing at all. And neither is them being a mediocre attack style champ. Matter of fact, it's a monthly thing where people have issues fighting them.

    Good point. Yeah, looking back new champions are always difficult. I think that my burnout mixed with not as regular stellar and exciting attackers as prior years is kinda what did it in combination.
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,871 ★★★★
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,824 ★★★★★
    edited October 25
    The phonto isn’t that bad just turn her pure light one when she under 1 bar of power and wait it out. But i understand your frustration with gc meta this season. You get intercepted. A lot because you’re risking it a lot more then u use to

    Another why kindred.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,944 ★★★★★
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,959 ★★★★★

    Hi everyone,

    Hello, Goodbye
  • TribalChiefTribalChief Member Posts: 109
    See you soon
  • Ceti_EelCeti_Eel Member Posts: 103
    Buttehrs said:

    Wait, so after almost 10 years, you claim new champs as the biggest reason for leaving? Then you obviously haven't played all of those 10 years because new champs being "difficult " isn't a new thing at all. And neither is them being a mediocre attack style champ. Matter of fact, it's a monthly thing where people have issues fighting them.

    He has a point here - sure new champs are often hard to fight until you figure them out , but in the last year or so they’ve released multiple champs that are ridiculously overpowered defenders. That only have one or two counters in the entire game.
  • MarsTheMartianMarsTheMartian Member Posts: 49

    Hi everyone,

    I know that this post doesn't really matter, as I'm not big on the forums or in content creation or anything but I just deleted the game after playing (and spending $) for nearly ten years. I started playing this game in early 2015 just before I graduated high school and I loved it. I loved collecting fun champions and taking on somewhat challenging content from time to time. Nowadays, I feel like I consistently collect mediocre champions and then am gaslit by YouTubers into thinking that they are great, when in reality they are just fine but not widely useable in meaningful game modes (I'll talk more about this later).

    Anyways, I just wanted to write a post on why I'm leaving the game here as a method to both give some insight to the devs. Also I guess I just want to talk about why I feel I've been pushed to this conclusion (yes, I do feel pushed, I've been trying very hard to justify myself continuing to play this game for around a year now). I'm going to try not to be obscenely negative here, and give as moderate views as possible.

    My reasons for leaving the game:

    1) Burnout

    This is the easy one and it is no one's fault. Everyone burns out from doing the same thing over and over again. We all have different tolerance levels and mine has been growing smaller for this game since about 2022, though champions decisions that I'll talk about in 2023 - 2024 definitely sped this process up for me. It is a testament to the game design that it took me nearly 8 years (until 2022) of near daily play before I go to this point. Kudos to the devs.

    2) How I feel playing this game (frustrated, disappointed, hateful)

    Here's a question for you: Do you have fun when you play this game? I think that I used to, but those days are over. Long gone are the days where I looked forward to playing quests and opening crystals. Now I do it because I feel like it's a chore to check off my list (and sunk cost fallacy). Certainly, I get that the game is designed that way. And throughout the pandemic even when I felt that it was a chore, I was still enjoying the game play enough not to mind the chore and looked at it as part of my daily checklist. But nowadays I genuinely dislike most of the time I spend playing this game. I attribute my burnout most to battlegrounds, new champion design, the ramping up of monetization, and absurd RNG of crystal opening at this point in the game.

    3) Battlegrounds

    This (like the rest of my post, but this bullet point in particular) is completely a me problem, and I'll own that. I don't like who I am playing battlegrounds. It makes me very frustrated because I get out drafted, or the AI isn't cooperative, or because I get out played and it frustrates me (#3 is probably the most common cause of my failures). I'm fairly good at this game. I was (until it was decided that the AI should be god like) great at intercepting, both light and medium. I can reparry, bait specials, bob and weave, all that jazz. I mention this in case anyone reads this post and thinks that I was a pleb who needed to git gud. I don't like battlegrounds because the rewards for anyone who isn't in the top 100 players at the end of the month is garbage. This month was the first time I felt like I had a good amount of battlegrounds currency in the entire lifetime of the game mode. However, this month's GC meta (Crit me) has been a cluster **** of frustration and was the metaphorical straw that broke my back into deleting this game. How do you go about designing multiple champions who cannot be intercepted and then go and make a meta that requires intercepting? Come on guys. Once again, another example of making decisions to annoy your player base. This is a common theme, and one of the main things that has pushed me away.

    4) New Champions

    This is the big one. If there was one main reason I'm leaving, it is this. The champion design that started with Photon/Kindred and has only gotten worse leaves me flabbergasted. It is obvious to me that Kabam devs think that this game has been too easy? Which I don't get. Sure, it isn't the most difficult game in the world, but I don't really want to fight the most difficult dark souls bosses every day, and new ones thrown into the pile monthly to learn. Maybe most of you do, I don't know. Take a champion that nowadays people say is "well designed", Photon. Her special attacks while in pure light form are undexable and unblockable. This is absurd. Now, you could try to nuke her before she gets there, certainly there are champions to allow this like Kate or Mantis, in crit me meta this pool expands. But I have to ask myself, why design the champion this way? Why design something that you cannot interact with once you pass an easily passable threshold? The answer is so that players are so frustrated that they spend loads of money to buy the next champion that counters this horrendous defender. Now you may read the previous sentence and say "Well of course! This is a game, the devs need to make money!" Personally, I'm not fine with the Apple business model of "We're creating a problem that you have to pay us money to fix." I think that it is a shady business practice and it has pushed me away. I'm not a fan of champions who force you to take unavoidable damage for playing the designed game (bullseye, Onslaught, Enchantress), punish you for using advanced fighting techniques in the game (Negasonic, Spiderpunk, Destroyer) or have unavoidable and overpowered power gain mechanics (Destroyer, White Tiger, Serpent, and this whole AW meta). No, not all of the champions I just listed are amazing defenders and impenetrable walls of tank, but they all have these frustrating mechanics that are difficult to avoid without a perfect or near perfect counter. When the game was just somewhat difficult defenders (like Rintrah, Terrax, Super Skull) that could be ramped up difficulty by nodes sets, and who you only had to kill one-six times per quest, I was fine with the difficulty. I was excited by it, even. Because there was an end in sight for the madness, and once I beat it for the sixth time I knew that I wouldn't have to deal with that brand of frustration again. Nowadays, every single time I encounter any one of these champions I know that I have to relive this frustration daily, and it has made me quite jaded.

    The other big problem with the new champions is that they're garbage attackers. I see YouTubers complain about "over powered champions" that shouldn't be in the game like Kitty Pryde or Hercules and I'm genuinely confused. Is it not fun to feel like you have lots of power in your hands? Isn't it fun to feel like you can piledrive your way through the challenges put in front of you? Well, it's fun for me, at least. Yes, I got bored using Herc (not Kitty, I think that she's the most fun champion in the game, hate on me if you wish), so I just stopped using him to give me more of a challenge. Because with all of these people complaining about power champions, I feel like the game devs got the idea that they needed to make more mediocre attackers. No one wants to pull **** from a crystal, but almost even worse is pulling champions who are basically ****, but have minute situational uses. Like my god, look at the attackers this year. Iron Heart is so close to good that it isn't funny. Everyone knows how to make her really good, too. Extend the lifetime of her debuffs or give her a reliable way to refresh them. Any other year that's how she would have been designed (look at Kate Bishop or Omega Sentinel as my proof). But no, we can't get that, because then she'd be a broadly useable champion, which it seems as though the devs are against. The list of these almost decent champions goes on. Negasonic, Beta Ray Bill, Prowler, White Tiger, Silver Sable (LMFAO). None of these champions are widely used on attack in battle grounds. I'd guess that very few are routinely used in questing either. So I have to ask myself, what's the point of these champions? The answer that I can come up with is that KABAM doesn't want us have broad use champions anymore. They want you bringing specific counters to every fight. But none of the game modes work that way. I can't just choose negasonic because my opponent chose bullseye. I have to be lucky enough to draft her. Most of the champions drafted for attack are 2022 champions or earlier (with the notable exceptions of KB, Vox (the love of my life thank you KABAM for making such a wonderful champion), and Werewolf). Yes, I know that most champions are from earlier years, but you get my point. Most champions drafted for attack are 2022 or earlier, most drafted for defense are 2023 or later (or were buffed in 2023 or later). I don't have the data for that statement, I am making a generalization that probably doesn't fully stand up to in depth scrutiny, feel free to correct me if I am particularly wrong abut my last statement.

    The coupling of frustratingly difficult defenders with the drought of invigoratingly powerful attackers pushed me away from this game the hardest. I want to feel powerful playing these legendary characters. None of the new champions make me feel this way (god except for Vox. Wow you guys seriously killed it with that champion. Kudos. Love Vox. Vox supremacy).

    PS. Jesus Christ just put the best champions into the 7* pool. I'm so tired of hearing that "Oh CGR would be so overpowered if he were in the pool." No, he'd be the kind of champion that you get exceptionally excited to pull. Instead, the 7* pool is only filled with okay attackers and god level defenders. Power creep exists because you have to keep moving forward. Power creeping your defenders without matching with attackers just makes people mad. Stop banking on frustrating your community to make money.

    5) AI, lag, and bugs

    This one was always going to be here. I'm not going to say much, just that this has gotten absurd. The amount of bugs that get through play testers (I'm not convinced play testers exist) is downright shameful. I will admit that in recent months I think this has gotten better. Except for AI. My goodness, the AI in this game plays at the level of a professional sports player. Stop that. I should be able to reliably intercept, parry, and bait special attacks (with the exception of a select few defenders). It seems like every time the playerbase discovers and masters a new technique (reparry, light intercepts, etc) the AI learns it and makes it significantly less reliable within a year. For those of you too new to this game to remember, "intercepting" at all didn't become a common thing until around 2018-2019. Now it's not only a requisite to play the game, but now you need to know that the AI has learned to punish your intercepts and throw a special while you're performing an intercept. Stop evolving the AI. Once again, you're just making an already technically challenging game more frustrating.

    Lag is just comedically laughable at this point. What are we doing that we cannot create a game that plays smoothly. This wasn't a problem for the first 6 years of the game. And now you're discussing introducing a 60fps version of the game? It can't even reliably run on its current frame rate. Good heavens.

    6) RNG

    This is a long post (very long, longer than I expected, sorry) so these last few I'm going to keep short. The odds in this game are abysmal. You want me to pay $10 for a crystal that has a 3% chance of getting me a 7*??? That is a joke. Even if I do get a 7* there far fewer useful champions to me in that crystal than there are garbage that I'll use once every blue moon. So I can't even get excited opening these crystals. Which is really really sad, as that is what a gotcha game (which this is basically one) is meant to do, push you to get excited to open new crystals. I've played quite a few gotcha games in my time, and this one has by far the lowest odds and highest price to get a new character or even a useful character out of any of them. I've never been able to excuse it, but it is just getting worse and worse as the 7* continues to get pumped full of mediocre attackers making the ratio of great champion/mediocre champion/great defender ever more skewed to grabbing something either unusable or something that only makes your roster better at pissing other people off rather than powering yourself up.

    7) Monetization

    I buy **** on this game. I'm not free to play, I never have been. I probably spend ~$80 per month on average. And although my partner looks on with horrified eyes when I describe this to him, I've never minded spending a bit. "After all, I play this more than any other video game." I told myself. The devs deserve some money from the player base for their work. But the level of monetization in the last year has gotten out of hand. It used to be that only July 4 and Cyber weekend (maybe Christmas too) you'd get huge spender events. Now there's one every fricken month. My god. And all it does it make the economic caste system of this game more prevalent. Despite the fact that I've been playing for a long time, I'm going up mostly against people with 7 more R3 7* than me.

    The older and "wiser" I get, the more I look at micro transaction games as unethical, and the more that this game pushed big spending days and opportunities, the more that I've been pushed away by the idea of supporting this game structure (tell that to my SWGOH account though... oops)

    8) YouTubers

    Last one, I swear. I mentioned this at the top, so I thought I'd elaborate a bit. First of all, I love you Brian Grant. I'm probably still going to watch your live streams. You're a gem to the community and, from what I can tell by this parasocial association, a really great guy.

    My big problem with YouTubers is that they aren't holding this game accountable enough. The reality is that most are just saying things that gas the devs up. And certainly, the devs should be gassed up sometimes. There's no doubt that this game is an achievement to be proud of. But my gosh, every champion that gets released isn't the next coming of the Savior. I think that this started with Lagacy (love ya dude, not meaning that I don't like you or your content) over hyping Morbius last year. But since then it has gotten out of hand. Every month I see videos talking about how crazy and awesome these new champions are. Then if you look at what champions are being routinely used 6 months later, none of those champions are anywhere to be seen. No, BRB is not a meta shifting champion. No, Werewolf by Night is not the best mystic champion in the game. No (this one is the most atrocious), Titania is not the best champ in the game period. In reality, the champions being put out in MCOC are FINE. It's time we start just saying that. If you don't like saying that because it doesn't let you make flashy enough thumbnails and titles, push the devs to make better champions.

    This post was 100% my opinion, and it was made on the same day I quit the game. This post may be overly negative, I recognize that and accept that many people will read it and disagree with every point I make. I'd imagine that there aren't many people who've been playing this game consistently as long as I have (early 2015), so I thought I'd explain why I'm leaving. I purposely didn't write what I like about the game here, because it isn't relevant to why I'm leaving. If the devs read this and are interested in what I think is going well and like, they can email me. If I didn't mention it on this list, I probably like it (yes even AQ and AW).

    I think another thing I'd add to this is that rewards in events/promocodes/calenders etc... need to be more tailored to progression. It sounds weird but in all honesty most VALIANT players do not need anything remotely 6* related.

    So in the calendar you get that crystal on day 25 for a champion. When we were paragon it was a 20/80 split on either a 5* or 6* version of the champion. Now if you're valiant its just 100% a 6*? like bruh wtf is that? why can't I have a split chance at a 7*? If you're valiant you most likely have 95% of the characters as 6*s, aside from the new champs that are in the featured pool, so it's just a waste honestly, rather give 2k 7* shards on day 25, it's way more useful than a duped on a maxed out 6*.

    I'll say the same for the new promo that dropped where we got a 6* Nexus and a 6* Sinister with the 1-2 and 2-3 Gem for 6*s plus some Gold. The only thing that was useful was the Gold. Again why don't you just add a valiant option, the only options were Paragon or Cavalier... I am not even saying break the game and give me a full 7* crystal, I'd have much rather gotten 1k or 2k 7* shards plus the Gold from the paragon bundle as the Valiant option, would have been WAAYYYY more useful.

    People will say "Oh but it's free, why are you complaining about free stuff, you're greedy and ungrateful" it's got nothing to do with being ungrateful. I just do not understand to this day why Valiant options aren't a thing more regularly available as an option when selecting a pool of prizes.
  • This content has been removed.
  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,186 ★★★
    1) can I have your account?
    2) another one - dj khaled
  • Gordon_X602Gordon_X602 Member Posts: 33
    edited October 25
    It's good to take a break from the game. I went on break when they announced 6 stars. Then came back last year when now was 7 stars and relics... it was a lot. I'm still finding my way and using characters I enjoy. Silver Centurion & JaJab Panther, I don't like them one bit, they style of fighting isn't matching my taste or vibe so I don't use them even if I get them as 6stars (yes, I know they are an honour from a previous marvel moblie game that didn't get a lot like like Champions [which to fair, it wasn't fun game. Too many gears that not for marvel to get invovled]). Point is those are examples. I miss the first years when it was 3 champions a month and not just 2. I'm still playing, cause I still have characters I enjoy battling with and still don't have a 7 star champ or maxed out 6 star with the year I have being playing.

    Take back, sure u may miss big rewards, but will still see bigger rewards in the future. When or if u decide to come back for some reason, ur champions will be waiting for you. Just remember you don't have play everyday, just log-in everyday, and join AQ when ur assiged BG has them. Also, having alliance feeling like a family helps too and make friends in the game can help sometimes. I wish you the best and please [DON'T Try Marvel's STRIKEFORCE, IT CO$€£T MORE].

  • AnoadriAnoadri Member Posts: 11
    People commenting without even read the whole post makes the game community average level another fair point for quitting.
    I feel all your words, I'm not quitting because I don't want to leave the almost 10 yo alliance with a bunch of historical allies (now friends) but we'll migrating into another game as soon as we found a good one
  • Gordon_X602Gordon_X602 Member Posts: 33
    Anoadri said:

    People commenting without even read the whole post makes the game community average level another fair point for quitting.
    I feel all your words, I'm not quitting because I don't want to leave the almost 10 yo alliance with a bunch of historical allies (now friends) but we'll migrating into another game as soon as we found a good one

    I read every last word👀. [your Wolverine dp made me used that emjio]
  • YodaKajYodaKaj Member Posts: 124
    Git gud
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,540 ★★★★★
    Skill issue
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,022 ★★★★★
    I really enjoyed reading this post as relate to almost all of it. For me the ai and lag issues have put me almost to breaking point. I agree with your points about newer champions, but the lag and ai have just made playing the game a miserable experience. It’s just not fun to play at the moment and more often than not actually worsens my mood.

    I really hope Kabam reads this thread and takes it on board. Yes it could be viewed as only the feelings of 1 player, but I think this is how a growing number of the community are feeling.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,824 ★★★★★

    Hi everyone,

    I know that this post doesn't really matter, as I'm not big on the forums or in content creation or anything but I just deleted the game after playing (and spending $) for nearly ten years. I started playing this game in early 2015 just before I graduated high school and I loved it. I loved collecting fun champions and taking on somewhat challenging content from time to time. Nowadays, I feel like I consistently collect mediocre champions and then am gaslit by YouTubers into thinking that they are great, when in reality they are just fine but not widely useable in meaningful game modes (I'll talk more about this later).

    Anyways, I just wanted to write a post on why I'm leaving the game here as a method to both give some insight to the devs. Also I guess I just want to talk about why I feel I've been pushed to this conclusion (yes, I do feel pushed, I've been trying very hard to justify myself continuing to play this game for around a year now). I'm going to try not to be obscenely negative here, and give as moderate views as possible.

    My reasons for leaving the game:

    1) Burnout

    This is the easy one and it is no one's fault. Everyone burns out from doing the same thing over and over again. We all have different tolerance levels and mine has been growing smaller for this game since about 2022, though champions decisions that I'll talk about in 2023 - 2024 definitely sped this process up for me. It is a testament to the game design that it took me nearly 8 years (until 2022) of near daily play before I go to this point. Kudos to the devs.

    2) How I feel playing this game (frustrated, disappointed, hateful)

    Here's a question for you: Do you have fun when you play this game? I think that I used to, but those days are over. Long gone are the days where I looked forward to playing quests and opening crystals. Now I do it because I feel like it's a chore to check off my list (and sunk cost fallacy). Certainly, I get that the game is designed that way. And throughout the pandemic even when I felt that it was a chore, I was still enjoying the game play enough not to mind the chore and looked at it as part of my daily checklist. But nowadays I genuinely dislike most of the time I spend playing this game. I attribute my burnout most to battlegrounds, new champion design, the ramping up of monetization, and absurd RNG of crystal opening at this point in the game.

    3) Battlegrounds

    This (like the rest of my post, but this bullet point in particular) is completely a me problem, and I'll own that. I don't like who I am playing battlegrounds. It makes me very frustrated because I get out drafted, or the AI isn't cooperative, or because I get out played and it frustrates me (#3 is probably the most common cause of my failures). I'm fairly good at this game. I was (until it was decided that the AI should be god like) great at intercepting, both light and medium. I can reparry, bait specials, bob and weave, all that jazz. I mention this in case anyone reads this post and thinks that I was a pleb who needed to git gud. I don't like battlegrounds because the rewards for anyone who isn't in the top 100 players at the end of the month is garbage. This month was the first time I felt like I had a good amount of battlegrounds currency in the entire lifetime of the game mode. However, this month's GC meta (Crit me) has been a cluster **** of frustration and was the metaphorical straw that broke my back into deleting this game. How do you go about designing multiple champions who cannot be intercepted and then go and make a meta that requires intercepting? Come on guys. Once again, another example of making decisions to annoy your player base. This is a common theme, and one of the main things that has pushed me away.

    4) New Champions

    This is the big one. If there was one main reason I'm leaving, it is this. The champion design that started with Photon/Kindred and has only gotten worse leaves me flabbergasted. It is obvious to me that Kabam devs think that this game has been too easy? Which I don't get. Sure, it isn't the most difficult game in the world, but I don't really want to fight the most difficult dark souls bosses every day, and new ones thrown into the pile monthly to learn. Maybe most of you do, I don't know. Take a champion that nowadays people say is "well designed", Photon. Her special attacks while in pure light form are undexable and unblockable. This is absurd. Now, you could try to nuke her before she gets there, certainly there are champions to allow this like Kate or Mantis, in crit me meta this pool expands. But I have to ask myself, why design the champion this way? Why design something that you cannot interact with once you pass an easily passable threshold? The answer is so that players are so frustrated that they spend loads of money to buy the next champion that counters this horrendous defender. Now you may read the previous sentence and say "Well of course! This is a game, the devs need to make money!" Personally, I'm not fine with the Apple business model of "We're creating a problem that you have to pay us money to fix." I think that it is a shady business practice and it has pushed me away. I'm not a fan of champions who force you to take unavoidable damage for playing the designed game (bullseye, Onslaught, Enchantress), punish you for using advanced fighting techniques in the game (Negasonic, Spiderpunk, Destroyer) or have unavoidable and overpowered power gain mechanics (Destroyer, White Tiger, Serpent, and this whole AW meta). No, not all of the champions I just listed are amazing defenders and impenetrable walls of tank, but they all have these frustrating mechanics that are difficult to avoid without a perfect or near perfect counter. When the game was just somewhat difficult defenders (like Rintrah, Terrax, Super Skull) that could be ramped up difficulty by nodes sets, and who you only had to kill one-six times per quest, I was fine with the difficulty. I was excited by it, even. Because there was an end in sight for the madness, and once I beat it for the sixth time I knew that I wouldn't have to deal with that brand of frustration again. Nowadays, every single time I encounter any one of these champions I know that I have to relive this frustration daily, and it has made me quite jaded.

    The other big problem with the new champions is that they're garbage attackers. I see YouTubers complain about "over powered champions" that shouldn't be in the game like Kitty Pryde or Hercules and I'm genuinely confused. Is it not fun to feel like you have lots of power in your hands? Isn't it fun to feel like you can piledrive your way through the challenges put in front of you? Well, it's fun for me, at least. Yes, I got bored using Herc (not Kitty, I think that she's the most fun champion in the game, hate on me if you wish), so I just stopped using him to give me more of a challenge. Because with all of these people complaining about power champions, I feel like the game devs got the idea that they needed to make more mediocre attackers. No one wants to pull **** from a crystal, but almost even worse is pulling champions who are basically ****, but have minute situational uses. Like my god, look at the attackers this year. Iron Heart is so close to good that it isn't funny. Everyone knows how to make her really good, too. Extend the lifetime of her debuffs or give her a reliable way to refresh them. Any other year that's how she would have been designed (look at Kate Bishop or Omega Sentinel as my proof). But no, we can't get that, because then she'd be a broadly useable champion, which it seems as though the devs are against. The list of these almost decent champions goes on. Negasonic, Beta Ray Bill, Prowler, White Tiger, Silver Sable (LMFAO). None of these champions are widely used on attack in battle grounds. I'd guess that very few are routinely used in questing either. So I have to ask myself, what's the point of these champions? The answer that I can come up with is that KABAM doesn't want us have broad use champions anymore. They want you bringing specific counters to every fight. But none of the game modes work that way. I can't just choose negasonic because my opponent chose bullseye. I have to be lucky enough to draft her. Most of the champions drafted for attack are 2022 champions or earlier (with the notable exceptions of KB, Vox (the love of my life thank you KABAM for making such a wonderful champion), and Werewolf). Yes, I know that most champions are from earlier years, but you get my point. Most champions drafted for attack are 2022 or earlier, most drafted for defense are 2023 or later (or were buffed in 2023 or later). I don't have the data for that statement, I am making a generalization that probably doesn't fully stand up to in depth scrutiny, feel free to correct me if I am particularly wrong abut my last statement.

    The coupling of frustratingly difficult defenders with the drought of invigoratingly powerful attackers pushed me away from this game the hardest. I want to feel powerful playing these legendary characters. None of the new champions make me feel this way (god except for Vox. Wow you guys seriously killed it with that champion. Kudos. Love Vox. Vox supremacy).

    PS. Jesus Christ just put the best champions into the 7* pool. I'm so tired of hearing that "Oh CGR would be so overpowered if he were in the pool." No, he'd be the kind of champion that you get exceptionally excited to pull. Instead, the 7* pool is only filled with okay attackers and god level defenders. Power creep exists because you have to keep moving forward. Power creeping your defenders without matching with attackers just makes people mad. Stop banking on frustrating your community to make money.

    5) AI, lag, and bugs

    This one was always going to be here. I'm not going to say much, just that this has gotten absurd. The amount of bugs that get through play testers (I'm not convinced play testers exist) is downright shameful. I will admit that in recent months I think this has gotten better. Except for AI. My goodness, the AI in this game plays at the level of a professional sports player. Stop that. I should be able to reliably intercept, parry, and bait special attacks (with the exception of a select few defenders). It seems like every time the playerbase discovers and masters a new technique (reparry, light intercepts, etc) the AI learns it and makes it significantly less reliable within a year. For those of you too new to this game to remember, "intercepting" at all didn't become a common thing until around 2018-2019. Now it's not only a requisite to play the game, but now you need to know that the AI has learned to punish your intercepts and throw a special while you're performing an intercept. Stop evolving the AI. Once again, you're just making an already technically challenging game more frustrating.

    Lag is just comedically laughable at this point. What are we doing that we cannot create a game that plays smoothly. This wasn't a problem for the first 6 years of the game. And now you're discussing introducing a 60fps version of the game? It can't even reliably run on its current frame rate. Good heavens.

    6) RNG

    This is a long post (very long, longer than I expected, sorry) so these last few I'm going to keep short. The odds in this game are abysmal. You want me to pay $10 for a crystal that has a 3% chance of getting me a 7*??? That is a joke. Even if I do get a 7* there far fewer useful champions to me in that crystal than there are garbage that I'll use once every blue moon. So I can't even get excited opening these crystals. Which is really really sad, as that is what a gotcha game (which this is basically one) is meant to do, push you to get excited to open new crystals. I've played quite a few gotcha games in my time, and this one has by far the lowest odds and highest price to get a new character or even a useful character out of any of them. I've never been able to excuse it, but it is just getting worse and worse as the 7* continues to get pumped full of mediocre attackers making the ratio of great champion/mediocre champion/great defender ever more skewed to grabbing something either unusable or something that only makes your roster better at pissing other people off rather than powering yourself up.

    7) Monetization

    I buy **** on this game. I'm not free to play, I never have been. I probably spend ~$80 per month on average. And although my partner looks on with horrified eyes when I describe this to him, I've never minded spending a bit. "After all, I play this more than any other video game." I told myself. The devs deserve some money from the player base for their work. But the level of monetization in the last year has gotten out of hand. It used to be that only July 4 and Cyber weekend (maybe Christmas too) you'd get huge spender events. Now there's one every fricken month. My god. And all it does it make the economic caste system of this game more prevalent. Despite the fact that I've been playing for a long time, I'm going up mostly against people with 7 more R3 7* than me.

    The older and "wiser" I get, the more I look at micro transaction games as unethical, and the more that this game pushed big spending days and opportunities, the more that I've been pushed away by the idea of supporting this game structure (tell that to my SWGOH account though... oops)

    8) YouTubers

    Last one, I swear. I mentioned this at the top, so I thought I'd elaborate a bit. First of all, I love you Brian Grant. I'm probably still going to watch your live streams. You're a gem to the community and, from what I can tell by this parasocial association, a really great guy.

    My big problem with YouTubers is that they aren't holding this game accountable enough. The reality is that most are just saying things that gas the devs up. And certainly, the devs should be gassed up sometimes. There's no doubt that this game is an achievement to be proud of. But my gosh, every champion that gets released isn't the next coming of the Savior. I think that this started with Lagacy (love ya dude, not meaning that I don't like you or your content) over hyping Morbius last year. But since then it has gotten out of hand. Every month I see videos talking about how crazy and awesome these new champions are. Then if you look at what champions are being routinely used 6 months later, none of those champions are anywhere to be seen. No, BRB is not a meta shifting champion. No, Werewolf by Night is not the best mystic champion in the game. No (this one is the most atrocious), Titania is not the best champ in the game period. In reality, the champions being put out in MCOC are FINE. It's time we start just saying that. If you don't like saying that because it doesn't let you make flashy enough thumbnails and titles, push the devs to make better champions.

    This post was 100% my opinion, and it was made on the same day I quit the game. This post may be overly negative, I recognize that and accept that many people will read it and disagree with every point I make. I'd imagine that there aren't many people who've been playing this game consistently as long as I have (early 2015), so I thought I'd explain why I'm leaving. I purposely didn't write what I like about the game here, because it isn't relevant to why I'm leaving. If the devs read this and are interested in what I think is going well and like, they can email me. If I didn't mention it on this list, I probably like it (yes even AQ and AW).

    I think another thing I'd add to this is that rewards in events/promocodes/calenders etc... need to be more tailored to progression. It sounds weird but in all honesty most VALIANT players do not need anything remotely 6* related.

    So in the calendar you get that crystal on day 25 for a champion. When we were paragon it was a 20/80 split on either a 5* or 6* version of the champion. Now if you're valiant its just 100% a 6*? like bruh wtf is that? why can't I have a split chance at a 7*? If you're valiant you most likely have 95% of the characters as 6*s, aside from the new champs that are in the featured pool, so it's just a waste honestly, rather give 2k 7* shards on day 25, it's way more useful than a duped on a maxed out 6*.

    I'll say the same for the new promo that dropped where we got a 6* Nexus and a 6* Sinister with the 1-2 and 2-3 Gem for 6*s plus some Gold. The only thing that was useful was the Gold. Again why don't you just add a valiant option, the only options were Paragon or Cavalier... I am not even saying break the game and give me a full 7* crystal, I'd have much rather gotten 1k or 2k 7* shards plus the Gold from the paragon bundle as the Valiant option, would have been WAAYYYY more useful.

    People will say "Oh but it's free, why are you complaining about free stuff, you're greedy and ungrateful" it's got nothing to do with being ungrateful. I just do not understand to this day why Valiant options aren't a thing more regularly available as an option when selecting a pool of prizes.
    The prome code was more from a new player perspective. So no there shouldn’t always be a another package that just to greedy. Sometimes it just a freebies
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