Any Chee'ilth Enjoyers here ?

I'm 4000 away from forming 3rd T4A and only available T6 Class for Rank 3 is Skill for me.
Korg is outdated so I wont be investing in him until he sig 140+
Killmonger I dont like seeing him being nuked so often nowadays.
Crossbones is just sig 20 so a pass for now.
Attuma also sig 40 only and a lot Mutants handle him 40-50 secs nowadays.
Chee'ilth at least can crit and bleed you from block, her special animations are slow and time consuming
she got amazing cleanse system and she's amazing attacker even if she fights a bleed immune champ.
All overall she's a multi purpose champion.
Wanted to hear from folks here who got her at Rank 3
Korg is outdated so I wont be investing in him until he sig 140+
Killmonger I dont like seeing him being nuked so often nowadays.
Crossbones is just sig 20 so a pass for now.
Attuma also sig 40 only and a lot Mutants handle him 40-50 secs nowadays.
Chee'ilth at least can crit and bleed you from block, her special animations are slow and time consuming
she got amazing cleanse system and she's amazing attacker even if she fights a bleed immune champ.
All overall she's a multi purpose champion.
Wanted to hear from folks here who got her at Rank 3

If your focus is only bgs and your korg is duped I'll suggest r3ing him even at lot sig. He is tanky as hell at r3 and nuking him is just difficult.
Cheelith is a great champ in general but not the best for bgs afaik.
If bgs are your only focus and you can play him correctly, r3 midbones. He doesn't really need his sig for damage, and you don't need the sig for crucial matchups anyways. But he is very stressing to play though.
Really good DoT and debuff management; plus managing Unstoppable -although I wish her Grit passive was paused until the end of her SP1.
And her damage against bleed immune is okay, if she's Awakened - that's what I've been using her for in BGs, as she can get a really good crit rating with a few Precision passives.
She's amazing for Mole Man in the current Summer of Suffering gauntlet - Grit means that she can hit into his block without worrying about Unstoppable.
BMcG has a good video, here:
My current Rank 3 skills are Mantis, Bullseye and & Black Cat.
No ragrets.
You can’t go wrong with her. Her playstyle is simple, yet fun!
I just feel burnt out and bored ranking only Defense champs and not multi purpose, universal champs.
I wasn't even mad, just impressed.
Also yh she's a great champion in general, super useful for AW especially those hazard nodes and also GREAT for endgame content. NO REGRETS in the slightest!!!
She is not the most dangerous defender but one of the top attackers for sure.
What I could see as defender is that some people pauses ,because of same bars and the seconds at 118 or 120.
So, some people dont know yet how to fight her or Amora.
I used her against SOS IDoom and she melted him. She did pretty good against MoleMan too.
What a girl team
Congrats Ladies!
Ladies with ladies profile pic 😍🌹