DOT Special Effects
This is random but some people don't know so I thought I would say. Incinerate reduces block proficiency by 50 percent. Poison reduces regen rate by 30 percent. Bleed goes through armour and resistances. Coldsnap prevents evade. Not sure if im missing any
You missed a couple of rare/unique ones, @JLordVileJ
- Poison - reduces regeneration
- Incinerate/Plasma - removes perfect block and reduces block proficiency by half
- Coldsnap - prevents Evade
- Neuroshock - prevents Miss
- Neurotoxin - prevents Healing
- Disintegration - reduces Combat Power
- Nova Flame - removes perfect block and reduces block proficiency to zero
I think that Bleed, Shock, Degeneration and Rupture are the only ones that don't additional effects.Champs I can think of, off the top of my head, with bleed resistance would be: Knull, Old Man Logan, Gambit, Onslaught, Beast, Goldpool, Omega Red,
All - all - DoT abilities ignore armour
They also all ignore resistances apart from resistance to their specific type of damage.
However, there are now champions with built-in:
- Bleed resistance
- Degeneration resistance
- Shock resistance
- Physical resistance (for Rupture)
- Energy resistance (for Shock, Incinerate, Coldsnap, Plasma and Nova Flames)
So, fine, they can all bypass armour and they can all bypass all-but-one resistances.
I thought it was the other side-effects of DoTs that you were more interested in, to be honest.
I took a chance on not mentioning that with Neurotoxins, because they're unique to AA, and got burned, so...
I didn't know about the neuroshock secondary effect either. So let's say 1-1
There's a similar utility difference between two Soul Barb champions: Kushala's just does the damage; but for Mordo he also reduces the opponent's healing with it (by 80%, or up to 95% with max Despair).
Technically Soul Barb isn't a DoT effect; so I left it off the list.
SP2 bonus effect is the primary, and exploiting immunities. but I’ve had times I gotta drop a bleed on someone for a node? stack on poison to suppress healing? or you have a stupid passive AI, and them 8dmg incinerates let you bully some block penetration damage.
@JLordVileJ you're exactly right, it is super easy to miss details, especially in the complexity of a game that’s grown for a decade. refreshers on fundamentals help, because somebody doesn’t know it, and more may forget.