Spider punk buff details!

SceptilemaniacSceptilemaniac Member Posts: 1,247 ★★★★
Pysical vulnerability increased from 25 -> 40% and duration increased from 15 seconds to 18 seconds.

I love spider punk as he is but his sp1 is currently almost useless. I love him getting any kind of tune up but I don't understand how increasing the physical vulnerability functions in making sp2 -> sp1 a valid cycle.
Sp2 cycling is still the best tactic imo
What do you guys think?


  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,715 ★★★★
    I thought that the sp1 burst the ruptures.. thats what after you place rupture stacks on the opponent.. you race to one bar and then sp1 to perform rupture burst.
  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,590 ★★★★★
    Sp1 bursts the ruptures based on time remaining.

    So sp3 = extends time + increases rupture.

    Physical vulnerbility + Hulk relic = x3. Refresh with heavy and x4 ruptures then popping sp1 while their timer is far from expired = mega damage.

    It all depends how fast you can race to sp1 after sp2
  • SceptilemaniacSceptilemaniac Member Posts: 1,247 ★★★★
    Wishful thinking but if his sp1 didn't consume the ruptures, he would definitely stand true to the 4.5 damage rating.
  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,590 ★★★★★
    Im pretty sure that the burst scales with vulnerbility. And that it does more than it would have over the duration (correct me if im wrong). If you play it right on long fights its sp3 - sp2 - sp1 - sp2 spam. If you aren't fast enough on sp1 then sure sp2 rotation is the better option. Remember his dupe gives another rupture if he would inflict encore. 4 with perfect sp2. You can have from what ive gotten. A max of 6 ruptures
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,235 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    I took mine to R2 in anticipation. I’m happy I stopped there.

    Dr. Zola

    He is r3 worthy even before these changes. Massively slept on due to people who haven't used him anywhere or barely used him at all hating on him
  • SceptilemaniacSceptilemaniac Member Posts: 1,247 ★★★★
    DrZola said:

    I took mine to R2 in anticipation. I’m happy I stopped there.

    Dr. Zola

    I duped him from my last titan. Was doubtful at first but he's quickly becoming my favourite to play.
    I hope for a generic 2->3 in banquet for him.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,887 ★★★★★
    Looks fine. See you when I dupp my 7*...
  • SceptilemaniacSceptilemaniac Member Posts: 1,247 ★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    DrZola said:

    I took mine to R2 in anticipation. I’m happy I stopped there.

    Dr. Zola

    I duped him from my last titan. Was doubtful at first but he's quickly becoming my favourite to play.
    I hope for a generic 2->3 in banquet for him.

    And I already have a r5a sig 200 6 star lol
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,473 ★★★★★
    @ahmynuts and @Sceptilemaniac I’m willing to give it some time and practice. However, I wish the buff had addressed some of the disconnects noted above with his Sp1.

    But with my Nefaria, Ham, Silk and QS at R3 science already, he may have to wait a bit even if he’s worthwhile.

    Dr. Zola
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,235 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    @ahmynuts and @Sceptilemaniac I’m willing to give it some time and practice. However, I wish the buff had addressed some of the disconnects noted above with his Sp1.

    But with my Nefaria, Ham, Silk and QS at R3 science already, he may have to wait a bit even if he’s worthwhile.

    Dr. Zola

    I agree on the buff. I don't really think the intended rotation will be better than just cycling SP2, but it'll be easier to tell when we can actually get our hands on it and try it out. He definitely flies under the radar, especially on BG defense. He slaps left and right on defense for some reason every season lmao.
    But I would take Nefaria up over him if i had him
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,890 ★★★★★
    edited November 2024
    I'm falling love in luke nowadays easily my most used science champ idk why peeps are still sleeping on him.
  • RockSlydeRockSlyde Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2024
    I don't think we can judge the buff quite yet, not until we get a feel for it. Depending on how he's coded it's possible that the SP1 gets compounding value from better vulnerabilities, since it may further increase the burst damage from further increased rupture damage. I hope he becomes a mainstay BG attacker, but we will have to see. If he still falls below the mark, I do hope Kabam will take another swing at a small tune up since Punk is such a popular character
  • ChuckD05ChuckD05 Member Posts: 174
    I have an r3. I liked Punk before and I like him now but IMHO the “Buff” isn’t going to change the way I use him or improve him in any meaningful way. Definitely a let down, unless I’m missing something.
  • Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Member Posts: 1,284 ★★★★
    Just tried out the buff, I'm definitely happy with the dmg bump. I was in the minority who thought he was pretty good pre-buff, so any improvement is a W for me.

    The sp1 dmg has also been bumped as a result, so it has more range now, which is nice. But letting the ruptures tick out still does around the same amount as the sp1, so I'll personally just stick to doing sp2s only. I don't mind that, I prefer the sp2 anyway.
  • Trillionaire6Trillionaire6 Member Posts: 46
    edited November 2024
    Not increasing the rupture duration seems counter productive to the points they addressed. I get that increasing the vulnerability duration might help in some cases, but you likely already have those applied and the added duration to that isn't what needed to be improved. Losing the duration on your ruptures trying to get back to sp1 is the problem and this in no way solves that.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,742 ★★★★★
    It's a surprisingly good buff
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