The answer to the incursion question you never knew you wanted

There's a reward at zone 100.

400 gold!!!!
Random facts:
-your hacks actually do expire after being used for 99 zones.
-Angela's buffs/damage gets crazy with Odin's synergy at zone 100. I had extremely bad luck with my hacks, but I still continued because it was just sector 1. I was able to hit 4 million damage fairly easy on specials.
-the extra opponent increase on each level gets lower, going from 5% all the way down to a 2% increase in each zone
-at high levels, Angela can very easily heal up to 100%. With suicides, or by tanking an attack, her regen gets her up to 100%.
-i could take a five combo hit and not die. I'm assuming it had to do with Angela's armor buff increasing by 15% each zone, but the opponents difficulty only increasing by 2%
-does sector 2-6 have a better, hidden reward at zone 100?
-the bosses don't rotate between overseer and shocker once you're past zone 24
-there are NO revives or heals outside of zone 25

400 gold!!!!
Random facts:
-your hacks actually do expire after being used for 99 zones.
-Angela's buffs/damage gets crazy with Odin's synergy at zone 100. I had extremely bad luck with my hacks, but I still continued because it was just sector 1. I was able to hit 4 million damage fairly easy on specials.
-the extra opponent increase on each level gets lower, going from 5% all the way down to a 2% increase in each zone
-at high levels, Angela can very easily heal up to 100%. With suicides, or by tanking an attack, her regen gets her up to 100%.
-i could take a five combo hit and not die. I'm assuming it had to do with Angela's armor buff increasing by 15% each zone, but the opponents difficulty only increasing by 2%
-does sector 2-6 have a better, hidden reward at zone 100?
-the bosses don't rotate between overseer and shocker once you're past zone 24
-there are NO revives or heals outside of zone 25
I actually do have a question (enquiry) for you good sir.
So normal for me with my limited skill, I just stick to one team and one set of Hack, the Armour Up and Stun one. I just back out until I get those Hacks.
However I had a realisation the other day, for you to do team run (carry someone), I have to run with whatever hack you get and run with it.
So would love your insight on which other Hacks and Champs combination you find successful.
Many thanks in advance
But back to why I hate armor up stun lock unless I have Herc. If you get one eye node on boss, you're dead since you can't really play around it. I had four bpcw bosses on my zone 100 run, and he was a pain. One I had to revive 3 times. The problem is once he was armor up, as I'm sure you know, he reflects the stun. So as soon as he gets a stun, I have to stop attacking and let it expire. It's was basically one hit, wait, one hit, wait. He would get me cornered and then KO me.
Good team
hemostatic bleed: Nick Fury, BULLSEYE, venom (I have a r3 though that I pair with a r2 duped knull for that indestructible buff)
Power when gaining fury: Aegon with 300+ combo
Fury when debuffs expires: silk
Serpent is good with a variety of hacks. However, I don't use him much since I always run suicides.
There are way more that I'm sure others will chime in with.
And then just swap in your top champs via the Champ Swap along the way ?
*which (not blaming you, just bad Game Design) is sort of like cheating allowed by game. If game only allows you to join a Sector based on Team PI, then any Champ Switch should also keep that same PI requirement in place. And only allow you to swap in a champ that would keep the Team PI within the same requirement range.
Nice 😀
(although I did forget that you can even exceed the # of rooms above what is listed for the final Top Zone point for each, even though you don’t qualify for Top Zone for lower Sectors anyways).