4 and 5* trash pulls
hey has anyone else been pulling just trash pulls lately my last 3 pulls have been 4* Black Bolt (dupe) 4* Spider Gwen (dupe) and Ant Man (dupe for the 2nd time) let me know your complete and utter booty pulls or your fantastic pulls
Three years? That’s pretty sad. Sorry to hear
would you be saying anything if you pulled a good champ?
4* void
4* black bolt ( phc)
4* captain marvel,
4* spider Gwen dupe
4* wolverine ( phc)
4* storm dupe
4* star lord dupe
4* Ultron
4* vision
4* moon Knight dupe
Another soon
5* gulliotine
5* storm
5* Captain marvel
Another soon
Trying to remember the others
I don't see why it is so difficult to understand or accept pulling "trash champs".
because some people like myself require certain champs to complete specific content so if i needed say a magik for act 5 then pulled a she hulk id either need to wait for another crystal or push thru act 5 and blow a bunch of units and revives for unnecessary reasons when i could have had either a regen champ or magiks limbo
Lol why is that sad? I'm a very casual player - I average about one 4* a month and one 5* every three months, so three good pulls in a week is pretty good for me. You must have an UNBELIEVABLE roster of champs if you think that's sad 😉
So much money and time wasted for nothing
thats gotta suck m8 i wouldnt want to have something like that to happen to me thats why i dont go for featureds its extra work to save for extra disappointment i just open 5* basics and i dont get as disappointed
My last **** pull
Sometimes i guess though i was luckier than usual the last few weeks as opposed to the past couple of months.
I keep duping cyclops blue team on the other hand I also keep duping star lord, its been a true mixed bag especially considering who I just pulled.
That soon 4* turned out to be colssuss and he isn't really good but my syenergy teams benfit from him as terrible as he is.
there are more decent champs than trash champ
Iron Patriot
Civil Warrior
Abom (Dupe)
Luke Cage (First 5*)
Lets hope my next 5* is Magik level or the Luke Cage buffs stay and I will actually have a good 5* Champion
5* moonknight and dr voodoo
4* stark, strange, kang, widow
5* crystal: Ultron, X-23, cap America, Hawkeye, punisher 2099, Phoenix, DD.
6 GMC featured got me 4* Karnak, 4* MODOK, 5* MODOK and a few 3*.
Yesterday I bought the £10 yin crystal deal and pulled 2 4* Sentry
Lady Thor aint bad dude
awsome bro i think i might buy that $10 yin crystal did you spin them or pop them?
lolwut nobody is complaining here... lol.
As for OP, i'll say my last two 5* crystals have been trash. IP and Colossus. though the christmas pulls made it up for it so not mad. can't say nothing bad about my 4* Crystals though.
that was my point and im half
way ready for my next 5* crystal