Can you rework the Chat?
I have an idea that will help players a lot especially that who need a new alliance. Can you make a new chat under Global that will be called “Recruiting”. I feel like Global is full of spam all the time and you should rework a little bit the chat zone.
A timer for the message, for example If you looking for an alliance, you send a message and should be able to put another message in that chat after 2-3 hours, to be much cleaner than global with all that boots that search and try to scam people with that “free units websites”.
Hope is a good idea and you can consider.
Thank you.
I have an idea that will help players a lot especially that who need a new alliance. Can you make a new chat under Global that will be called “Recruiting”. I feel like Global is full of spam all the time and you should rework a little bit the chat zone.
A timer for the message, for example If you looking for an alliance, you send a message and should be able to put another message in that chat after 2-3 hours, to be much cleaner than global with all that boots that search and try to scam people with that “free units websites”.
Hope is a good idea and you can consider.
Thank you.
Best way to recruit is outside the game - forums, reddit, line groups, etc.
Would it be nice? Sure. Is it realistic enough to dedicate resources to? Probably not
It's done more harm to players than good,
Every single week there's a guy posting, "uhh global said bad word uhh."
( discord chat has short timer though but put like 5 minute timer in game chat )
For example - U can't send your next msg until 5 minute this will remove all the spam and useless talking as no one gonna wait 5 minute just to reply someone question or spam or fighting
Also timer gonna put a stop to unlimited recruit spam which some people do on Global
No need to put recourses in monitoring chat 24/7 that's gonna be stupidity
Take Pubg or some other games chat for example there is timer in your next msg
Also Some chats only allowed recruit msg only
For example - U can only able to write ally name or tag in chat option
Global Motive is for Recruitment
If anyone gonna look for meaningful chat or fights they still gonna have personal chats in friend list
And more importantly most meaningful chats of global also always end-up later being disrespectful or with stupidity due to some others interference
U still gonna talk with them in dm and discuss anything
And beside there are social apps options always open
Timer of atleast 5 minute gonna put a stop to all of global spam, disrespect,abusing and all of negative stuff which many of bots or stupid people do there.