Do Better?!

Here’s a suggestion Kabam, stop doing things that make people lose interest in your game. I just came back after being away for over 3 years and was quickly reminded why. There now something called battle grounds, which is decent and gives the best rewards.. so normally you’d play that to advance your roster after being gone and barely having any 6 stars or 7 stars. The catch is, you pick 30 characters that are picked at “random”, yet after I started winning repeatedly and climbing too fast I got about 6 games in a row with no Morbius or Quake, despite them not being banned by my opponent. I only have 6 6stars (most of which are trash), so why constantly not give me the ones I have available to help me? On top of that in the store you lock the ability to purchase 6 star crystals without having 16 6star fighters or completing act 6! But riddle me this….HOW AM I TO GET MORE 6 STAR FIGHTERS OR COMPLETE HIGHER DIFFICULTY MAPS WHEN YOU’RE GATE KEEPING THE RESOURCES NEEDED TO DO SO?! You’re basically keeping the good players good, and the growing players in place. That’s making the game boring. What do I have to play if I’ve already completed act 5 and everything that gives better rewards isn’t beatable with my roster? “6 stars king Groot? AMAZING!!! 6 STAR HULK BUSTER!? AMAZING, SO HELPFUL!!! 6 STAR WASP?! OMG IM BEYOND GRATEFUL!!! “ -SAID LITERALLY NOBODY EVER. Do better and don’t forget it’s a GAME that should be fun to play, not stressful. I’m deleting it yet again and probably won’t be back tbh. Just wanted to speak my peace before leaving

Also surprised this wasn’t a match making rant.
- complaining about lack of 6* shards
- complaining about being unable to advance past Act 5
- complaining about pulling King Groot and Hulkbuster
I was wondering when they were going to get to complaining about Ice Phoenix but I see that already happened in 2017.
(wait, so if they leave, and they were the one that wanted all those champs, does that mean those champs will be removed from the game now ? And just when we were about to get a G.G. emote pic for BG.)
And note, the RNG during the team draft phase works both ways. Otherwise all the opponents you face would all be putting those few top of the line champs on defense every time.