Stop saying it! I’m sick of the Patriot slander! How can he be useless when he has 2 of the most unique immunities in the game?!
He’s literally immune to utility and immune to landing consistent critical hits on his SP2. Need I say more?!…. He’s far from ‘Useless ’… smh. Stop the Patriot slander guys.
Patriot sucks
But the amount of threads you have been making to highlight this is frankly annoying
The TLDR is, we, the players, suck and Kabam have to re-tune the champion down to our level.
I remember seeing MSD doing a run with Silver Sable and he think she need a buff, yep, even MSD is not skilled enough to appreciate the God Tier champ like Silver Sable.
So no, both Silver Sable and Patriot are not badly designed champions, they are amazing God Tier champs that require extremely skilled players to appreciate them.
We, as the players, are just rubbish and need to get good.
I also don’t know why on earth they’d copy-paste this response for Patriot. From what I’ve seen, nothing about Patriot is difficult besides getting the AI to hit into your heavy. He’s just undertuned, too little damage and too niche in utility. Sable actually has some nice utility and her damage can potentially go much higher with some ease of use buffs that make stacking shocks and maintaining her utility practical.
Completely disagree. I think the subtext of Kabam’s Sable post is loud and clear. They are incapable or unwilling to say, we made a mistake with this champ and we are going to address it. Instead they say, we are happy with the champ but it’s unfortunate no one can maximize her incredible potential.
another soul held at gunpoint...or is it?