Suggest a better synergy team than the one I'll use: Vision

Last time, I asked people to rate my synergy teams, but a guy told me that without knowing the nodes of the defender, it is pointless to make synergy teams and another said that no one will know what synergies I have so they can't answer and I have to tell them in the post my synergies and the nodes.
I decided to just not put effort in something that might end up being false to not waste my time. Now that 6.4.3 Scarlet Witch vs Vision came true, I'm going to ask the synergy for him. I already beat 6.4.4 Yellowjacket with my 7* Ant-man so I don't need to ask about that.
Again, this question is not for beating the defender as it is doable without needing synergies, this is just asking to have the easiest time doing it. Here's my last post:
First, Scarlet Witch's nodes:

My synergy team:

1. Wiccan's synergy gives Vision the ability to inflict a power burn passive burning 10% of the current power when intercepting the opponent.
2. Warlock's synergy gives a fury buff increasing atk rating by 60% for 6s whenever any teammate is immune to a debuff. This Scarlet Witch has a node where the attacker is inflicted with poison at the start of the fight and she herself inflicts poison.
3. Guardian's synergy gives +1250 block proficiency to all except Guardian himself.
4. IMIW's synergy makes power burn deal 20% more damage.
So suggest me a better synergy team to have an easier time than when using this one.
I decided to just not put effort in something that might end up being false to not waste my time. Now that 6.4.3 Scarlet Witch vs Vision came true, I'm going to ask the synergy for him. I already beat 6.4.4 Yellowjacket with my 7* Ant-man so I don't need to ask about that.
Again, this question is not for beating the defender as it is doable without needing synergies, this is just asking to have the easiest time doing it. Here's my last post:
First, Scarlet Witch's nodes:

My synergy team:

1. Wiccan's synergy gives Vision the ability to inflict a power burn passive burning 10% of the current power when intercepting the opponent.
2. Warlock's synergy gives a fury buff increasing atk rating by 60% for 6s whenever any teammate is immune to a debuff. This Scarlet Witch has a node where the attacker is inflicted with poison at the start of the fight and she herself inflicts poison.
3. Guardian's synergy gives +1250 block proficiency to all except Guardian himself.
4. IMIW's synergy makes power burn deal 20% more damage.
So suggest me a better synergy team to have an easier time than when using this one.