New Titan Changes

Do you guys think it's a good change overall? It sounded good to me until I realised that it meant champs that are currently 6 star locked will have a harder time entering the Contest as 7 stars. Especially one in particular...
Love that Rintrah is coming. Would love for others like him (6*s whose relevance has drastically decreased now that 7r3 is common) to have come in with him. Champs like iBom, Apoc, Nimrod, etc. Dropping in a group of them on that level would be far more impactful (and fun to chase).
On an unrelated note, I’m very glad I didn’t finally pull the trigger to R5 and ascend my Rintrah
3 months instead of 2 months rollover.
Isophyne will not be in the Titan, nor will anyone with the fractured power bar.
Isophyne would’ve been added in March, however Dazzler replaces her, leaving an extra spot in the Titan.
To compensate, we are getting Rintrah in the 7* Titan pool.
We will still be getting an old science champion as a 7*.
Don’t hold me to it, but I assume this means we are also getting an old mutant as a 7* as well, if not it is 100% an old skill champion, it could be 7 champions in this pool as we are missing out on Isophyne.
Scream, Jack O Lantern, Spiral, Rintrah, Old Science, Old Mutant or Old Skill.
Predictions: Ibom, Apoc/Stealthy.
We would normally see 12 old champs every year, and 23 new champs every year, we of course will still receive 23 new champs however Kabam have said 3 of those won’t be in the titan, so that leaves us with 20 left. Meaning that we get 5 new champs in the titan and 1 old champ, this means we are reducing the amount of old champs by half, which is sad to see.
March = Dazzler, first champion of january, second champion of january, first champion of february, second champion of february and one older champion.
June = First champion of march, second champion of march, first champion of april, second champion of april, first champion of mat and second champion of may.
But that means no old chanpions after that ? Pretty sure i'm wrong but where ?
Bad for (most, maybe all) summoners: even slower turnover in Titan pool, so you are going to get those weird timing issues where a champ is introduced via EQ and early access bubdles but then they effectively disappear because of the crystal update schedule
Kabam: take a look at Spiral and Dazzler!
Community: Nice! Ok Spiral and Dazzler coming in November. Can’t wait.
Kabam: nope! We’re holding Dazzler til December
Community: (saves titan shards for mid-Dec titan that will contain both champs)
Kabam: hey, we’re gonna make u wait longer for titan crystals to refresh… and oh, by the way, pushing Dazzler to the march crystal
They were on a roll with all the amazing anniversary stuff, glorious reveals, etc… it was time to get
In all seriousness, the fact that Dazzler will be available as a dual track champ and isophyne will be given out, can’t really complain (too much). Will wait n see if there’s more of an explanation as to why the 3 month cycle is better than the 2.