9500 units

9500 units for a 7* Angela or Blade is unreal. If Kabam really wants players and whales to spend their units or buy units, they should really do this deal for like DrDoom, Kingpin, Quake, Fantman, Valkyrie, Kate Bishop, Hulkling, CGR or Scorpion. Not someone who is already available as a 7*. I think players would use up units for these champs.
kate and kingpin not now, maybe near the tail end of 7*s. i doubt hulking and CGR will see a release, they're just too busted with powerbacks and relics but who knows.
my frustration with the game is how much control kabam has over our rosters, so it doesn't even matter if they sold those champs anyway, because AW is designed like this now:
1. if they're not global they're unusable for any important fights (boss island, mini islands).
2. if they're global they get banned then blacklisted then go back to situation #1 (unusable).
give me a 9* sig 200 rank 6 ascended hercules and he's not seeing any sugar pill fights or any other globals for that matter. so i'm unsure where the game is headed, it's worrisome that all the OP attackers might be nothing but trophy champs at this point, at least in AW.
No one is dexing an enemy with millions of health points.
In fact, I an curious to see how well ppl r dexing end game contents with her.
Anyone want to post video???