Terrax is not an acceptable counter to red skull decay

Please make some real decay counters like Corvus or beta ray bill. You can’t have these OP defenders then say hey here is Medusa and terrax only. It’s a joke how much you hate the players in war
and also got you…………
For the record, I also have no idea how Terrax isn’t working for you. Immune to power burn, bleed, shock, and inflicts armor break without having to land a hit so glancing won’t stop it. Doesn’t even gain much buffs so you shouldn’t be struggling too much with sugar pill unstoppables. I’m inclined to call skill issue on this one.
Now with decay, you have to push Red Skull to sp2 and knock donw before he uses sp2 and becomes unstoppable.
OP try this tip and you will see that Terrax is a good decay attacker. You can refresh demolitions the whole fight ending the combo with light attack and inflict slow debuff all the fight.
actually impressive how much you are obsessed with aw lmao
Got up to 47 bleeds on me without taking damage : ) decay OP
Now you cant use the tactic that prevents autoblock so you have to use Decay properly and the fight will be longer.
I continue using Terrax with decay and he is a good attacker. ¿Players have enought? Good joke, clearly a skill issue