I really wish they kept Dazzler. There was really no reason to move her out. I understand why they did it but they didn't have to just to facilitate this change. Sure, it's "consistent," but it didn't need to start here.
That being said. I'm too impatient to hold the shards for that long. The December reset will be as long as my weak will allows me to hold off so I'll be opening it lol
I had 20038 Titan shards. Was gonna save em but said to myself, "self, YOLO..." Popped it and got Count Nefaria. Takin him to rank 3 unduped for the love..
I was holding them, and will continue to hold them for the December pool. Since we’re getting Dazzler if we’re willing to buy the next iteration of the BRB/Morbius offer I’m less upset she is getting pushed. I also like Rintrah so wouldn’t feel that bad pulling him. I will say it is more likely that I’ll open all of what I’ve got in December vs waiting all the way to March though.
It’s been a burnout month for me, so this change simply reinforces the inertia that’s been dogging my log ins.
Titans are exciting for me because I more or less have all I want of the current 7* champs from basics or the “special” 7* crystals (Void duped, Angela duped, Mojo duped e.g.). Less frequent Titan refreshes reduces that excitement.
Opening in December or saving until dazzler is added in March? Anybody want to sum up in simpler terms exactly what’s happening with it?
Considering opening in Dec. bc I really want that 7* Spiral. I have an r3 Mystic gem with her name on it lol.
@Terminatrix open your all 7 star shards and Titan shards on a particular date which you can remember like December 25 or 1st January 2025 and make a video of your opening to show off 😁
Opening in December or saving until dazzler is added in March? Anybody want to sum up in simpler terms exactly what’s happening with it?
Considering opening in Dec. bc I really want that 7* Spiral. I have an r3 Mystic gem with her name on it lol.
@Terminatrix open your all 7 star shards and Titan shards on a particular date which you can remember like December 25 or 1st January 2025 and make a video of your opening to show off 😁
That being said. I'm too impatient to hold the shards for that long. The December reset will be as long as my weak will allows me to hold off so I'll be opening it lol
Titans are exciting for me because I more or less have all I want of the current 7* champs from basics or the “special” 7* crystals (Void duped, Angela duped, Mojo duped e.g.). Less frequent Titan refreshes reduces that excitement.
Dr. Zola
And 7* Rintrah is always a W. He will be a monster with the stat focus