NPC relics

Just a thought (and one i think many of us had since they were announced) why are there not npc relics? Or at the very least 'partner' style relics of characters that wouldn't work in a fighting game. Headpool/h.e.r.b.i.e./lockjaw/puff/the brood (although playable technically)/weasel(steals a dp weapon?)/JEFF!!!/The heckin pet avengers/chewie (flerkin)/old lace etc etc they could have a quick little bip boop bop just like the other relics. Maybe add a debuff in addition to the stun and/or do a massive damage burst a la devil Dino just chomps a mojo. 🤣
Either Cosmic best paired with CMM, or Skill with Fury.
Lunges forward and swallows the opponent whole, then spits them back out again.
Actually would be a great idea for some of these other side characters from monthly stories. Don’t have to work up an entire ability set and movements for all types of hits. Just a simple move.
1 question… What Class would CHAIR be ??
Cosmic, aka Groot (similarly made of wood).
or Mystic, aka Pinocchio brought to life by mystic/fairy forces.