LF two P6Ally Aq6x4
We are looking for one for two reliable people. We run Aq map6 x4, complete raids and are Platinum 6 for war.
BG is not mandatory although we strongly suggest it is done.
We are a very relaxed team and have a decent community of retired and semi-retired players. All we ask for is comms in Line and to complete your paths in aq and aw. If this is beyond you please dont apply.
We will likely push Banquet, however this will be second to reliability in Aq and AW. We aren't going to spend to carry others.
Line ID markh83 (24.1k)
BG is not mandatory although we strongly suggest it is done.
We are a very relaxed team and have a decent community of retired and semi-retired players. All we ask for is comms in Line and to complete your paths in aq and aw. If this is beyond you please dont apply.
We will likely push Banquet, however this will be second to reliability in Aq and AW. We aren't going to spend to carry others.
Line ID markh83 (24.1k)
Ty Your Shoe
Line: GreekHeat
Can’t find you on line app but this is my profile I am interested in joining