my phc luck has been incressing is this just my luck or have the odds been imptoven????

recintlyn i opend 10 phc's i got 6 4*s have the odds been improvred and has any body else expirenced this??
i wont tell my secrats
im on my computer
hehe lol
believe me or not idc
cant really argue lol
no screenshot, never happend.
Stop lying
That would mean that you had a 50-60% chance to get a 4* which is unbelievable
Send a screenshot from the phone of it happening otherwise we’ll know for sure you are lying
If I would’ve gotten that the first thing I would do would be a screenshot
What’s the point in lying
It wouldn’t mean he had a 50-60% chance. It would mean he was very lucky. I don’t think you understand probability. (Not saying Op is telling the truth, not saying he’s lying)