My disappointment in the latest Stream

This is not another post complaining about a giveaway or promo codes
I feel like streams are becoming very hollow or I don't know what else would be better to describe it. It does not feel interactive. I didn't feel like there was any benefit in it being live. It could be a video posted on youtube, scheduled as premiere and I think it would be the same experience.
Chat was awful. It felt like it was filled with bots. People spamming same message over and over again. Later they started spamming emotes, troll copy pastas. Not that it was offensive or anything but it's just not a good experience. At the same time, I couldn't write anything, was getting timed out for no reason, and even if i could send my message it would have not been seen and be lost among the spammed messages. Entering the giveaway also i dont know if was successful or not, chat doesn't give any feedback. Again it's not about the giveaway, it's about the chatting experience
I want to watch the stream and be involved. But like i said i feel like i dont need to. I could just watch RitchTheMan recap and not feel like i missed out on something, actually i would save myself some time.
twitch drops were a great addition tho, thanks for that!
people who watched the stream how do you feel about it?
and does Kabam have any plans to change the format of the stream?
my other post got lost and i dunno if it will be back later, if it does appear back i will delete that one.
I feel like streams are becoming very hollow or I don't know what else would be better to describe it. It does not feel interactive. I didn't feel like there was any benefit in it being live. It could be a video posted on youtube, scheduled as premiere and I think it would be the same experience.
Chat was awful. It felt like it was filled with bots. People spamming same message over and over again. Later they started spamming emotes, troll copy pastas. Not that it was offensive or anything but it's just not a good experience. At the same time, I couldn't write anything, was getting timed out for no reason, and even if i could send my message it would have not been seen and be lost among the spammed messages. Entering the giveaway also i dont know if was successful or not, chat doesn't give any feedback. Again it's not about the giveaway, it's about the chatting experience
I want to watch the stream and be involved. But like i said i feel like i dont need to. I could just watch RitchTheMan recap and not feel like i missed out on something, actually i would save myself some time.
twitch drops were a great addition tho, thanks for that!
people who watched the stream how do you feel about it?
and does Kabam have any plans to change the format of the stream?
my other post got lost and i dunno if it will be back later, if it does appear back i will delete that one.
As the livestreams grow, you'll see more bots. It's just the way it is. You can't prevent it, you can only try and get rid of them as much as possible. But expecting for your message to be seen with 30k people in the stream is a little far fetched.
It can be moderated. I am pretty sure its very easy fix to not allow these spams
Better focus, less planned cheesey jokes, and less pretending that they're being surprised by the information they're sharing would be great.
Also too many co-hosts I think. I think it works much better with 1 host and 1 guest at a time. Four simultaneously was too much given it was improv. I wouldn't even say that it was Dave - the issue was having a co-host who was trying to be a fulltime comedian and then 2 guests at the same time for half the stream.
It was also too long - given the length they would have needed to do something different eg the time they had MCOC jeopardy. Us silently watching 4 ppl improv and sometimes talking/interrupting each other for at least 40 mins didnt work.
I found the best content was when Jax would interview the Kabam team members so we could learn more about how the game is crafted. Dave probably doesn’t have the same skill set but a little prep would go a long way. There are so many opportunities for interesting stories for this milestone and we got just a small piece of that with the original models of the game.
I don’t remember who the new guy’s name was but his energy was too similar to Dave’s… it made both of them seem more annoying than they would be if they had a “straight” man to play off their silliness.
I’d also liked to have seen more of a preview of the necropolis challenges to properly set expectations for how difficult it’s going to be.
The background changes was really 1 of the big reveals 😂
With that being said; for me, this one was as a tough watch most of the stream. Other than Kabam Crashed, I don’t resonate with the other personalities. It’s hard to watch/listen for content (and apparently hidden promo codes) when I’m constantly eye rolling 🙄 from the commentary that seems like a bad over-the-top performance with too much unnecessary filler; rather than an organic information-filled presentation/conversation.
And I understand there was a lot of info to share, but an hour an and a half stream is too much for me. Especially with how mentally nauseating the “filler” was. Even if it were to be one that’s highly engaging, an hour and a half is a good chunk of day that several other things in life are calling for.
I don’t have a solution (if there needs to be one offered), but just thought I’d share my personal feedback since it was asked.
Have a great day MCOC community! 😃
Additionally, the 90s balloons stacked on shelves don’t contribute to a professional presentation. It’s clear that they need to improve their presentation if they want to capture my attention. While they may have a college-like culture within the company, I still expect some formality when it comes to company-sponsored streams for the game so we are not lost in miniscule details and more focus on the content and events.
I agree. Not to mention, it became a bit cringe at times. In no way do I think doing that is easy, but I almost turned it off before Mike & Crashed showed up. I enjoy that Dave brings a different energy to the streams than Jax, but sometimes with his lead, the streams go way off the rails. Dave actually mentioned it himself towards the end...
There will be many people who didn't tune in and just watch the summaries anyway, you can cater to both audiences.
As far as the personalities .. you can tell that conversation flow isn't any of their bread and butter. Streaming on YouTube is one thing when the audience is essentially just you but understanding the flow of a "show" is very much different. Being a host is very different from being a YouTube personality like Dave and Mike.
It all feels robotic and just pretense. Although I'm fully aware it's not pretense ... but it comes off that way. I was watching at work and people who aren't a part of the MCOC family commented how "fake" everyone seemed. On air personality, control, flow, presentation is a strange beast and you can't just pluck anyone in. Even Jax had his shortcomings in my opinion in that regard.
I've hosted shows for a few years, moderated live conference gaming panels so I know from experience how difficult it is to match and pair the right set of people to pull off a show. You need a proper "Maestro" that understands that dynamic and has existed in that space to present a show like this well.
I can’t say I agree at all about there needing to be “interactivity”. I’m watching the streams to learn about the new content and what’s coming up, not for Dave and co. to read chat messages. You could argue there’s no real point in it being a stream as opposed to a prepared video then, but I do kinda like the feel of being live with a bunch of my fellow players and I’d miss that if it were a video.
On that note though, I will certainly agree that chat is horrendous. It takes work to stamp out the problem chatters and you can’t ban em until they’ve already started being visibly bad, I get it, but it’s incessantly terrible and spammy. Like I said, I like the feeling of being with fellow players and seeing what everyone else thinks of the news, and I can’t do that when chat is nonstop flooded with people trying to type in nonexistent raffle codes and seemingly ignoring the stream. I’d say that they should just stop with those giveaways altogether but I realize that would probably get me roasted by the community, so I hope that at least Kabam finds some way to stop all the spam.
Final little note, I’ve seen complaints that the crew didn’t have any chemistry or that the whole show felt “forced”. I suppose I’ve never been very good at gauging people, but I didn’t feel that way at all and I kinda liked the somewhat chill vibe. It seems that I’m in the minority on that one though, so I’ll concede there and hope that others get whatever they’re looking for in that regard. At the end of the day I’m there for the news, if it’s delivered more professionally but boringly I’m still getting the main thing I want.