My disappointment in the latest Stream



  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★

    Kabam needs a stronger producer who can make the overall stream tighter and more consistent. They would also benefit from some persistent on screen graphics to help us know where they are in the agenda, what’s been talked about, what’s coming up.

    In defense, I got the sense from reading in between the lines from Jax that this endeavor, at least when started up, wasn't budgeted for and was a side project. Wasn't helped when half the original twitch team were downsized/ quit.

    On the other hand, chat aside, none of this is going on anyone's reels. If it feels like folks rolled into work thinking they'd just wing it, then either they did or they need to figure out if they want this as evidence for their next place of employment to not review their resumes.
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,102 ★★★★★
    I agree, also, the energy was kinda off, they were over exaggerating with reactions and stuff, like, I get the excitement but chill. I miss Jax lives so bad
  • Farrukh_tvFarrukh_tv Member Posts: 220 ★★
    in my original post there was no mention of anyone from the crew. I am very grateful to all of them for taking the time to do this stream. i know they must have spent decent amount of time to do the preparations. Some might argue that level of preparation was not enough but I am not a producer so I cannot be a judge of that.

    My main concern was around the structure of the stream and how they presented it. If it is a live stream there should be interaction. Otherwise just make a video. That's just my humble opinion. It really feels like a downgrade honestly, and if structure gonna persist for the upcoming streams I am not very excited.
    dr2ws said:

    I honestly wouldn’t care if they got rid of the giveaways, a promo code and twitch drops is enough for me, 1 out of 30,000 chance of winning, know doubt there’s a few people with bots increasing their chances of winning.

    fully agree, this post was not about promo or giveaway at all but I guess we have to talk about it because it is part of the stream and looks like one of the main problems. I dont need that seven star but watching the 2h stream , not getting propper acknowledgment that i am part of this giveaway and seeing it go to random person who might be a bot as far as i know feels like a scam. If they dropped the giveaways and stick with drops i think it would filter out lot of bad actors instantly.
    I doubt they just want to have the number that 30k people watched the stream. But if they only want that then fair game.

  • HuskerCoolHuskerCool Member Posts: 297 ★★★
    I thought their comradely was good but a little too much silliness and not enough focus on upcoming content
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    I definitely think the twitch drops are enough - the giveaways has sort of guided the chat into what it is. WHen I enter the cod I can't even tell if I type dit properly for all the spam.

    As to the show itself - Dave just got there. He will clearly need some time to adapt so I have no issue with him. I did think it was too many of them at once and threw off everything, especially the 2nd guy who I think does the live shows at ComicCon etc but you rarely see him on these and he seemed to be the one trying the hardest and so came off the most contrived Nothing against him but the energy was very different vs everyone else who then tried to match his to not make it seem out of place.
    I think after months of Jax and even teh first couple Dave did by himself, the community is used to a more laid back stream with proper interviews and the occasional pun than all the guffaws and sing-a-longs that happened at times seemingly for minutes on end.

    It is a shame they couldn't plan some kind of Christmas thing at their HQ and invite a few well known streamers up - that might have come off better and felt more like a 10-year thing.
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 894 ★★★

    This is not another post complaining about a giveaway or promo codes

    I feel like streams are becoming very hollow or I don't know what else would be better to describe it. It does not feel interactive. I didn't feel like there was any benefit in it being live. It could be a video posted on youtube, scheduled as premiere and I think it would be the same experience.

    Chat was awful. It felt like it was filled with bots. People spamming same message over and over again. Later they started spamming emotes, troll copy pastas. Not that it was offensive or anything but it's just not a good experience. At the same time, I couldn't write anything, was getting timed out for no reason, and even if i could send my message it would have not been seen and be lost among the spammed messages. Entering the giveaway also i dont know if was successful or not, chat doesn't give any feedback. Again it's not about the giveaway, it's about the chatting experience

    I want to watch the stream and be involved. But like i said i feel like i dont need to. I could just watch RitchTheMan recap and not feel like i missed out on something, actually i would save myself some time.

    twitch drops were a great addition tho, thanks for that!

    people who watched the stream how do you feel about it?
    and does Kabam have any plans to change the format of the stream?

    my other post got lost and i dunno if it will be back later, if it does appear back i will delete that one.

    It's like a kid who finally got out in the real world & it's not as good & happy as they were hoping & imagining 😂😂
  • Farrukh_tvFarrukh_tv Member Posts: 220 ★★
    edited December 2024
    Asher1_1 said:

    It's like a kid who finally got out in the real world & it's not as good & happy as they were hoping & imagining 😂😂

    Yeah, because wanting a better live streaming experience is just soooo unrealistic. My bad for expecting more than chaos and bots.

    I guess they should disable chats on twitch and YouTube and instead have people type the code here. If people are actively watching the stream then minimizing the screen for a minute to type the code here wouldn't matter. Plus everyone can type the code once, twice is automatic disqualification.
  • spidyjedi84spidyjedi84 Member Posts: 437 ★★★

    The stream felt like it had 83% filler and they need to tone it down to 50%. It wasn't bad, but it was way longer than it needed to be or should've been. 90 minutes to give 10 minutes of info is excessive. I appreciate that we get these streams and we get to see some of the faces behind the game, but they know exactly why 98% of the viewers tune in and they string everyone along for as long as they can.
    Better focus, less planned cheesey jokes, and less pretending that they're being surprised by the information they're sharing would be great.

    I think the issue is the Twitch drops having a certain amount of time that you have to watch to earn three total rewards, and they ballooned how long the stream was going to last off those times to give a cushion if you joined too late so they didn't have people angry in the forums over that...
  • Steam97Steam97 Member Posts: 280 ★★★
    The chat being constant spam of random non existent commands or body pics definitely wasn't enjoyable to see, I don't care if the host interacts with chat but at least no spam lol, it was impossible even interacting between chatters. The moderation team could blacklist some fake commands during the stream to prevent this type of spam
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    I thought it was sentimental. It was great to see the concept art, and the early stuff. Chat is always chat, and people spam. That's just the way it is with streams in general. The Dad Jokes were kind of corny, but they're not about to whip out Andrew Dice Clay material for a broad audience. It was a good broadcast. Still miss Jax, but the guys are doing their own thing and holding their own.
  • SandeepSSandeepS Member Posts: 1,307 ★★★★
    There was something about Jax that made the streams entertaining. The last stream seemed a bit more about inside jokes which wasn't relatable to the wider audience therefore didn't hit the mark or seem funny.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I enjoyed the stream but I also came in 30 minutes late, so it was basically an ordinary stream length for me. Maybe that affected things.

    I do agree that there were probably too many people in the studio, though. I have nothing against the Marvel guy but he did seem a bit unnecessary. I think Dave and Mike have excellent chemistry and I always enjoy them being together on stream, and Jon's always fun to have on since he's both insightful and always brings cool news, but three peeps are probably the maximum number of dudes that should be in that little studio together. I didn't have as much of a problem with everything eventually devolving into a jokey mess as some other here seems to have, but I can still recognize that reigning it all back slightly would probably be for the best.

    Other than that, I can echo what others here have already said - it would be fun to see more behind the scenes with different members of the dev team, like we used to have. I also really used to enjoy the little games they played. I wouldn't mind that coming back.

    But I still liked the stream overall. It helps that it's pretty much the perfect time for me to watch it due to time zone shenanigans.
  • Mik81Mik81 Member Posts: 116 ★★
    I always watched all the streams that I could. They are great and I love them, I want them to keep happening because they are fun and enjoyable.

    If Kabam would like to hear some constructive criticism about the last Stream, I'd say:
    It was too long. If you really need 1,5hrs, then do 2 or even 3 streams.
    It was a bit chaotic, at times was hard to listen as people was talking one over the other. Keep in mind that not all the audience is native English speakers.
    This point is subjective and personal, but I believe there were too many "cheesy" or "dad" jokes. A few is ok, but if you abuse too much of them (and that is what I felt as spectator) it gets old quick and you achieve exactly the opposite feeling that you are trying to create.

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