Veteran title removed minutes after claiming
Member Posts: 6 ★
Claimed my special thanks veteran title for being part of the contest since the very beginning and it disappeared minutes later.
I've been in the game since the beginning of January 2015, shouldn't I get one of these titles, because I joined the battle literally 3 weeks after the start of the game. ??? is the veteran's title available to me for next year, if titles are still not available now? or has the title of Veteran been issued only now, and in a year, those who have caught up with the period of 10 years will not receive it?
(obviously joking)
This is the in game mail I got. It specifically says for those who arrived in the contest in 2014. Not sure how it will work in future years.
People who have only just returned to the game after not playing for years, shouldn’t just get a free rare title.
That’s basically a giant middle finger, to all your long time dedicated players; who just barely didn’t quite hit the mark for the veteran title.