#Cull's Worthy Necropolis Writeup by your average Kamala Khan user

GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,580 ★★★★★
R3 7* Hulk duped
R1 7* Odin unduped
R1 7* Juggernaut Unduped
R5 Ascended 6* White Tiger Duped
R4 6* Unascended Absman duped

Titania - Odin did 65% and Hulk the rest. Basic titania fight.

Aarkus - I tried white tiger. She did alright. Switched to the R4 absman. He did 40% per run. Total of 4 revives (other 2 were on odin and testing tiger) equip magma prefight.

Omega Sentinel - Odin fight. Sp1 for true strike. Sp3 for more damage (more buffs) and sp2 spam. Did her in 4 revives (terrible luck)

Airwalker - Couldn't believe my eyes. Solo with that low ranked absman. Equip Uru prefight. Sp3 first then make sure to BLOCK his sp1 and not dex it. Heavy into sp1. Spam and MLM to apply vulnerbility. He melts.

Captain Brittain - This frustrated me. I used odin but the ai was terrible. Used 7 revives. I don't how to describe it. But it was terrible.

Wiccan - Well try 1 hulk took off 50%. I just went to nuke him. Sp2 once and sp1 spam. Was able to get off 2 rotations while wiccan was on sp3 bar. Then 2 revives and he was down.

Psycho man - Odin. Really nothing special. Easy fight.

Total spent : 18 revives

Way more than I had hoped to spent but it is what it is. I got those revives for free via apothecary and daily event.

2/5 done. Will probably stop now till I can do deathless run


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,849 ★★★★★
    I don't have odin can I use herc for OS
  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,580 ★★★★★

    Don't stop. I need more write ups to help. The "I soloed every fight" and "It's easy. You should t use more than 10 items" write-ups and comments are no help for gauging units needed for me.

    Also, was Juggs and White Tiger not used? And relic for Absman?

    I used White tiger for aarkus mostly and since she didnt work I just stuck with Odin for most fights. Juggs I tried to use just to do damage. He died I didnt care much. My relic on absman was a 3* iron fist @willrun4adonut

    Basically if you have a r5 ascended absman and atleast R1 7* / R5 6* Odin. You will be sorted. I highly recommend Hulk for wiccan.

    4* Thor Relic on Odin
    3* Iron fist relic on absman
    6* spidey2099 relic on hulk
  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,580 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024

    I don't have odin can I use herc for OS

    She applies incinerate when she autoblocks. Even if autoblock fails. You'll need to manage her armor ups by either blocking some of sp1 or dexing and blocking final hit (coward debuff) to regen some hp. But she goes down much faster with odin. I personally wouldn't use herc.

    My odin did 190k burst on sp2. 230k with dex buff active (I have all including true strike)
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,625 ★★★★
    I used Serpent as my main as I am not skilled with Odin at all.

    I found Vision Aarkus much harder for me even with a 6R5A Absorbing Man. The AI either kept holding onto power until SP3, or he would wait for my form to fall off before he would allow me to intercept.

    Omega Sentinel took me 7 revives. I couldn't get down the rotation with Odin, as the knockdown would mean that my True Strike wouldn't last long enough to get in a damage rotation. I definitely should have practiced more with Odin and probably gone for the SP3 for the increased duration. I ended up using Attuma (once you have 7+ True passives up you can switch to focusing on damage cycles and maintaining hydration for incinerate immunity). Still slow, but felt easier for me to do.

    Absorbing Man didn't work for me on Air Walker... until suddenly he did. For the first few attempts, the AI didn't play ball. Then for the next few attempts, the AI got into a groove of readily throwing specials.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,849 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024
    @altavista Ifound serpent wayy better for OS. I don't have odin so I've used serpent and herc for Os, and herc did phenominal job as well (Took 35% health in one attempt).

    For aarkus, I found out that you have to bait sp1 s, which he throw easily and punish it with heavies and mlm, and throw specials as soon as you ge them. once he gets to sp2 he goes super passive.

    @Ghostboytjie Herc kinda worked well for OS. solo is possible if you know to dex her sp1 completely.
  • HarryatomixHarryatomix Member Posts: 481 ★★★
    Serpent is legit good for this challenge especially if he is unduped, that way his dread won't go away when you die.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,625 ★★★★

    @altavista Ifound serpent wayy better for OS. I don't have odin so I've used serpent and herc for Os, and herc did phenominal job as well (Took 35% health in one attempt).

    For aarkus, I found out that you have to bait sp1 s, which he throw easily and punish it with heavies and mlm, and throw specials as soon as you ge them. once he gets to sp2 he goes super passive.

    @Ghostboytjie Herc kinda worked well for OS. solo is possible if you know to dex her sp1 completely.

    Interesting that Serpent works for OS. I figured since he didn't have an auto-block countering ability that he wouldn't. Is it more just about taking advantage of his specials being unblockable?
  • DocWestDocWest Member Posts: 426 ★★★
    I did this path last night. I used…
    7* Rank 3 - Hulk - Sig 20
    7* Rank 2 - Odin - Sig 40
    6* Rank 5 - Serpent - Sig 200 - Ascended
    6* Rank 4 - Abs Man - Sig 200 - Ascended
    6* Rank 3 - Heimdall - Unduped

    I am a mediocre player. The whole path took me around 30ish revives. I did not solo a single fight. Some of them like Arkus only took me 3 revives and others like Captain Britain took like 8 because I suck at reverse controls. I was most scared of Air Walker, but my Rank 4 Abs Man handled him so well. It was one of if not the easiest fight on the path for me. I’m sure a rank 5 Abs would be even better.

    Serpent was ok. I see people gushing over him, but most of them have a Rank 3 duped 7*. Mine did ok but I wasn’t blown away. Maybe I just suck at using him?

    I actually found Odin really useful in addition to his synergies. His true strike in special 1 was very helpful on Omega Sentinel. His special 2 was regularly taking off 2-3 percent every hit no matter who I faced. I’m not even that familiar with Odin so I’m sure if I spent the time researching I could play him even better.

    Hulk was only used for Wiccian and it was ok. Just push him to Special 2 so he doesn’t heal.

    Heimdall was just for his synergy. But he did finish off Psycho Man at 1% because everyone else was dead and I didn’t want to waste another revive lol
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,849 ★★★★★
    altavista said:

    @altavista Ifound serpent wayy better for OS. I don't have odin so I've used serpent and herc for Os, and herc did phenominal job as well (Took 35% health in one attempt).

    For aarkus, I found out that you have to bait sp1 s, which he throw easily and punish it with heavies and mlm, and throw specials as soon as you ge them. once he gets to sp2 he goes super passive.

    @Ghostboytjie Herc kinda worked well for OS. solo is possible if you know to dex her sp1 completely.

    Interesting that Serpent works for OS. I figured since he didn't have an auto-block countering ability that he wouldn't. Is it more just about taking advantage of his specials being unblockable?
    Yes and also omega sentinel loses her armors when she throws a special. Bonus points if you can dodge her sp1 completely. She'll get very less charges.

    Also you can throw sp2 for massive damage( almost took 3-4% health with my r3 serpent and 12+ furies.), since os has multiple armor buffs. Always thrown sp2 since sp1 deals very less damage as she has high energy resistance.
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,410 ★★★★
    @Polygon . R4 absman
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    Glad to hear odin can put in the work, I plan to mainly use my 7r2sig 40 for it. So far I've only practiced a bit with him vs titania and best I've done was 13% left, but i figure boosts will let me get the solo.
  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,371 ★★★★

    Time to cook this challenge yipee
  • Mixtapevol02Mixtapevol02 Member Posts: 130 ★★
    Which is better to take 7* R2 serpent or 6* R5A 200sigs?
  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,371 ★★★★

    Which is better to take 7* R2 serpent or 6* R5A 200sigs?

    7r2 because the timer be longer
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
    @Ghostboytjie ,

    I can not express the level of disappointment I have on your post.

    I did not see Kamala Khan in your team at all (not even one), sure some people might say, well she is not is the champion pool selection. To that I will say, the one true Kamala Khan player would not let that stop them.

    I could believe I supported your 7* Kamala Khan movement 😔😔😔
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