Any chance on making BGs fun for the casual player?

Fighting rosters with 30 R3 200 sigs is rediculous. These metas aren't really fun either. Some champs on defence = no way to open on them and insta dying. Who thought of these metas???


  • ShadowCLOWNShadowCLOWN Member Posts: 1
    Exactly what I came here to complain about, people with a full 7 star roster will forfeit matches to stay in low levels.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,135 ★★★★
    There is a friendly match that is fun for casual players. Off season seems to be more evenly match. At the lower tier it's more evenly match as well.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,785 ★★★★★
    I am a casual player and I'm having fun. Don't act like you face 30 7* r3 whale accounts lik 10 times in a row in bgs. They do get matched once in a while, but not regularly unless you hit vibranium in week 1
  • BluntMacheteBluntMachete Member Posts: 164

    I am a casual player and I'm having fun. Don't act like you face 30 7* r3 whale accounts lik 10 times in a row in bgs. They do get matched once in a while, but not regularly unless you hit vibranium in week 1

    I'm happy for you.

  • BluntMacheteBluntMachete Member Posts: 164

    I am a casual player and I'm having fun. Don't act like you face 30 7* r3 whale accounts lik 10 times in a row in bgs. They do get matched once in a while, but not regularly unless you hit vibranium in week 1

    I really am. I'm glad you corrected me on how my game experience is going.

  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,320 ★★★★

    I am a casual player and I'm having fun. Don't act like you face 30 7* r3 whale accounts lik 10 times in a row in bgs. They do get matched once in a while, but not regularly unless you hit vibranium in week 1

    I really am. I'm glad you corrected me on how my game experience is going.

    Then share your previous fights
  • BluntMacheteBluntMachete Member Posts: 164

    I am a casual player and I'm having fun. Don't act like you face 30 7* r3 whale accounts lik 10 times in a row in bgs. They do get matched once in a while, but not regularly unless you hit vibranium in week 1

    I really am. I'm glad you corrected me on how my game experience is going.

    Then share your previous fights
    Huh? All I'm saying is early people auto losing to stay in lower brackets and me wanting to complete bgs for points and I get ranked out of my actual level and wins are never to be seen again

    Unsure how this post derailed to people simply not understanding that the casual player is getting hosed in bgs
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,320 ★★★★

    I am a casual player and I'm having fun. Don't act like you face 30 7* r3 whale accounts lik 10 times in a row in bgs. They do get matched once in a while, but not regularly unless you hit vibranium in week 1

    I really am. I'm glad you corrected me on how my game experience is going.

    Then share your previous fights
    Huh? All I'm saying is early people auto losing to stay in lower brackets and me wanting to complete bgs for points and I get ranked out of my actual level and wins are never to be seen again

    Unsure how this post derailed to people simply not understanding that the casual player is getting hosed in bgs
    Who knew that casual players wouldn't do well in a competitive game mode /s

    If you're facing unwinnable fights then share your previous fights
  • BluntMacheteBluntMachete Member Posts: 164

    I am a casual player and I'm having fun. Don't act like you face 30 7* r3 whale accounts lik 10 times in a row in bgs. They do get matched once in a while, but not regularly unless you hit vibranium in week 1

    I really am. I'm glad you corrected me on how my game experience is going.

    Then share your previous fights
    Huh? All I'm saying is early people auto losing to stay in lower brackets and me wanting to complete bgs for points and I get ranked out of my actual level and wins are never to be seen again

    Unsure how this post derailed to people simply not understanding that the casual player is getting hosed in bgs
    Who knew that casual players wouldn't do well in a competitive game mode /s

    If you're facing unwinnable fights then share your previous fights
    You fail to see the point I'm making. There are tiers for a reason. But the tactic to that some beefy accounts are using for free wins is to just throw games and stay in lower tiers. People are either gaslighting or just not getting the point.

  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,320 ★★★★

    I am a casual player and I'm having fun. Don't act like you face 30 7* r3 whale accounts lik 10 times in a row in bgs. They do get matched once in a while, but not regularly unless you hit vibranium in week 1

    I really am. I'm glad you corrected me on how my game experience is going.

    Then share your previous fights
    Huh? All I'm saying is early people auto losing to stay in lower brackets and me wanting to complete bgs for points and I get ranked out of my actual level and wins are never to be seen again

    Unsure how this post derailed to people simply not understanding that the casual player is getting hosed in bgs
    Who knew that casual players wouldn't do well in a competitive game mode /s

    If you're facing unwinnable fights then share your previous fights
    You fail to see the point I'm making. There are tiers for a reason. But the tactic to that some beefy accounts are using for free wins is to just throw games and stay in lower tiers. People are either gaslighting or just not getting the point.

    I get the point, but tiers aren't split into casual and competitive, it's all competitive. You need to face bigger accounts in order for them to move up and for you to start facing accounts your size. Sandbagging is a thing that can happen, but if this is such an issue then you can show us the fights you've lost to see if they're actually unwinnable
  • BluntMacheteBluntMachete Member Posts: 164
    Respectfully, you don't understand. It's the leading to where I'm currently am that I have an issue with. You don't understand my point or you refuse to acknowledge it because you likely abuse it yourself. I do not have an account to be in Diamond II with no max 6*. I got there by having stacked account auto forfeit as they stay in lower tiers. Use tokens at 0 wins and forfeit to go back to 0 wins so they don't get promoted to tiers they should probably be in. Do you understand that?
  • tznyctznyc Member Posts: 123

    Respectfully, you don't understand. It's the leading to where I'm currently am that I have an issue with. You don't understand my point or you refuse to acknowledge it because you likely abuse it yourself. I do not have an account to be in Diamond II with no max 6*. I got there by having stacked account auto forfeit as they stay in lower tiers. Use tokens at 0 wins and forfeit to go back to 0 wins so they don't get promoted to tiers they should probably be in. Do you understand that?

    I don't disagree, I do understand - but practically speaking, you can either 1) do the same thing, sandbag your way down to where you start feeling that you are having fun; or 2) do what I do, and don't even bother using Marks on BGs during the first 4-5 days of each season

    First few days of each season will have lots of annoyances - getting used to the meta, bad matchups, etc. I say take this time to figure out what works and what doesn't, what changes might be needed for your deck, etc. Just do the 3 matches for the 600 tokens, and any wins for 200 or more can be an added bonus. After the first week you can go full stride and climb the tiers as best you can
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,533 ★★★★
    edited December 2024
    Hey OP, I get your point. Please keep in mind that you will get matched up with whatever players are available at the time, so if there are only grinders with stacked rosters available when you play, that will be your matchup.
    Along those lines, I've noticed that playing at night, especially Friday-Sunday nights, you will get matched up with grinders 99% of the time. The casuals just aren't playing at those hours, they're out hanging out with friends or family or on dates, etc. So choose your times wisely, and if you are getting bad matchups, quit and try another time.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
    Hi @BluntMachete ,

    I have read through your OG post and the rest of the reply and would like to see if I can make clear of this:-

    1) Make the BG fun for casual play - This is from your Title of the post

    2) Facing 30 x 7R3 Sig 2pp is not fun - This is your first statement

    3) These Meta isn't fun either - This is the second statement

    4) Some Def champs have no opening (i.e no counter) - Third statement

    5) Big accounts is intentionally lose to stay low and farm Milestone points

    6) Big accounts is Auto losing on your match and you have processed higher than you should, and now facing bigger accounts.

    7) Your account is too small and shouldn't be in Diamond 2.

    The rest are just repeating of these same points.

    So here is just my opinions on some of these points.

    1) Making BG fun for Casual players - I would consider BG (and I assume it is Kabam intention too) as the most competitive game mode in MCOC, even more than AW, as it is one on one, not Alliance. So to achieve "fun" for "casual" players in a "most competitive" mode is tricky to be honest.

    For Kabam, VT is the place for more "casual" players, and I was one of the many that fighted hard make progressing in VT a lot less intent, and was very happy the Kabam reintroduce the Win 2 token, Lose 1 token.

    In my opinion, this is about the right balance, the rest would be down to the players, I know I enjoy BG Off Season a lot because the lack of rewards to "fight" for, so win or lose, I just enjoy the match and the experienceI have within the fighr, not the result.

    It is tricky to be a "casual" while also bother so much in winning in a competitive mode.

    2) Facing 30 x 7R3 Sig 2pp is not fun - You are right, I don't find much fun facing a massive account either, but these are a lot less than people make it out to be, plus with the Win 2 Lose 1 (W2L1), they would move on pretty quickly. (We will get to the farm below)

    3) These Meta isn't fun either - I do think the last few BG meta haven't been great, I do synthesised with the BG Meta designer team those, to come up with new Meta months after months can run it course. Personally I don't mind if Kabam recycled some Metas and fine tune it, but that is just me. But meta affect everyone not just casual players. I havs seen endgame players struggles with some match too.

    4) Some Def champs have no opening (i.e no counter) - There are some very OP (and yes broader line unfair), but even the like of Serpent (who I still think is bad for the game and should have been nerf) have counter for, so they do have opening, yes with a small account it is more tricky to have all the right counter, but that is what the 3 ban are for, and to be honest most of the players face this problem too, not just casual players (I still ban awaken Serpent R3 in this Meta, and I have able to KO 4* Serpent with unranked 2* Kushala in practice mode).

    5) Big accounts is intentionally lose to stay low and farm Milestone points. - Yes this is wrong, from what I understand from Kabam and what some of the CCP talk about, it look like the policy is, not allow in VT but allow in GC. If this is bad enough Kabam will do something about it, however with the W2L1, a big account have to give out 2 win before they could have 1 win for themselves, so in some way small account is beneficial from this. Now let me make it clear, I don't agreed with point farming, I think it go against the ethic and spirit of the game mode, but we are discussion your take on these thing and how it affect casual players. (which will lead to my next point)

    6) Big accounts is Auto losing on your match and you have processed higher than you should, and now facing bigger accounts.

    7) Your account is too small and shouldn't be in Diamond 2.

    6 & 7 Response - Since this 2 points is similar and connected I would reply together. As mentioned in point 5, By the big accounts farming for points (which may I say it not as many as players are making it out to be, there also big but casual BG players that just play 3 match every 48hrs so slow progress by habit not intentional), smaller accounts it getting easy/free win and progress higher than they should with the account size, which mean they getting higher reward than they would normal do if there wasn't any farm, the small/casual accounts in some way could be seen to benifit from farm. (Yes, farm is still wrong, unless you produce consumables 🤣🤣🤣)

    The bottom line is, if a player is playing MCOC casual, then should winning or losing in the most competitive game mode bother them this much, if it does, are they really a casual player?

    If a players really want those rewards (some are higher than what their account should get, and even already got), it is hard to have fun and keep it casual.

    For me it is all about the experience, if I don't get messed up by AI or Input issue, I happy with whatever the result is, if I can come out of the fight done better than I did before with a certain Def (looking at your Serpent 🤣), I happy, win or lose.

    Anyway just my 2 cents sure something Kabam could do to change and something are within the players to change. But it is your game and your time, I'm sure you know what it best for you, whatever you do, hope you find your fun my friend 😊, have a good day.
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