Kabam please bring back t4b and t4cc selector back in bg store

Because of the 7* calendar I pushed to paragon early and because of this I still have a lot of unranked 6* Champs
Till rank 3 they take a lot amount of t4b and t4cc
Glory store is so overpriced and the amount of glory we get is limited
If you don't want to bring 5* shards and sig stones don't but at least bring back catalysts
Till rank 3 they take a lot amount of t4b and t4cc
Glory store is so overpriced and the amount of glory we get is limited
If you don't want to bring 5* shards and sig stones don't but at least bring back catalysts
Kabam should understand why create problem when it never existed in the first place
Ranking up them to rank 3 takes a lot of t4b and t4cc
Maybe the reason is that they want to limit player for doing resource hacks like buy then sell for getting something, because the player more likely has higher resource and getting cheaper offer.
So then maybe they want player to get it from another place like glory. But yeah, glory is more expensive, more limited. At the end of the day, maybe just maybe they want player to not only focus on bgs but also another content in the game. Cmiiw