Help me pick which necro carina's challenge to do first and my team

For some context, I'm valiant but have never done a run of necropolis before. Super long content isn't normally my thing, but some of these look fun and I'd like to get the t7b. I'm thinking the mutant or carina's challengers one is probably my best bet to do first. I just pulled a 6* apoc today, so that'll help too. It would also be helpful to know who you suggest I rank up for each challenge or at least the first one I'll be doing.
Mutant roster:
Cul worthy and gods:
Carina's challengers:
Dimensional beings:
10 year challenge:
Mutant roster:

Cul worthy and gods:

Carina's challengers:

Dimensional beings:

10 year challenge:

Who's better between Shang & Mole? Don't have 7* mole, but have the resources to r5a the 6*