Veteran Banner and Title Poll

Seems like the common consensus is that veterans are hating this vomit lime green compared to the amazing rich dark purple. Let’s see what we all think. I 100% agree that it needs to be reversed to the ORIGINAL purple.
And a poll does not make sense everybody that did not get veteran will just choose green…
And maybe the color was near to it but come on one says mythic with shine and one say veteran??? That is not a reason to turn it into vomit green
While the Purple Mystic may indeed be the best looking of all.
Are you saying that new Veteran should confiscate the Purple, and have them change Mystic to something else ?
But, the Bright Green is not bad (actually pretty nice), and a far cry from “vomit” (just what have you been eating, if your puke ends up coming up like that ??)
I must say that the Orange/Yellow mix of Legend is the WORST of them all though.
With the word “Legend” being sort of hard to read, with that color combination of background and text.
Dr. Zola
Compare that to the different shade of Green that Content Creators have. That's actually the ugly shade of green (imo)