The Cosmic Dilemma

Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,722 ★★★★★
Just got through act 5 on my new account and wanted some advice. I got a bunch of cosmic resources + a venom relic (plus AG) for a 5* and I need someone that’ll help a lot in act 6. SIM has a ton of resistances and some nice damage and Venom has a lot of utility and some good damage as well. No deep wounds ofc but I’m open to whichever

Also to reiterate this is for act content not BG or anything :)

The Cosmic Dilemma 55 votes

Superior Iron Man
Nesciodfmoore26Tony886CASrinivaspeixemacacoJJBoy19SirGamesBondThePredator1001AgenteMagnus13579rebel_JoSpidey_10Gabriel_207FnafChampionEdisonLawCloudddey_broPimbechedr2wsBungoSamuel69272 19 votes
SIlverProfessorTerraCat_MurdockHerbal_TaxmangeorgiemenLuke9523Ognarcaptain_rogersEwell65SSS69jcphillips7FiiNCHValkyrie1994Gr8TonyStarkNogood22The_0wenpuswillrun4adonutYeig_Rick87_Honorable_BluJayPotatoslice500 36 votes


  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,339 ★★★★★
    Superior Iron Man
    It's a new account use new champ for fun. And you'll be over 5*s soon.
    They both are almost exactly same. And no dot immunities. Venom can take bleed fights after, sim take the same amount for any fight.

    Non of them can do counters specific bosses.
    That sentinel in 6.1.6 gonna be fun with the update. Ahh there's 6.1.2 biohazard sentinel too. Rip.
    Alt account is basically for fun, so have some with whoever you want with.

    In my alt account I had fun with almost every new champ I pulled. except outside the extreme duds.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★
    Superior Iron Man
    They are similar but it depends on what you need. Spiderverse Evade counter plus bleed champion? Venom. Huge armor break damage and multiple resistances/pseudo immunities? SIM by far
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,722 ★★★★★

    It's a new account use new champ for fun. And you'll be over 5*s soon.
    They both are almost exactly same. And no dot immunities. Venom can take bleed fights after, sim take the same amount for any fight.

    Non of them can do counters specific bosses.
    That sentinel in 6.1.6 gonna be fun with the update. Ahh there's 6.1.2 biohazard sentinel too. Rip.
    Alt account is basically for fun, so have some with whoever you want with.

    In my alt account I had fun with almost every new champ I pulled. except outside the extreme duds.

    I was actually planning on using 5* to carry me through act 6 and maybe 7 like trappy did cause the 6* luck has been very very eh so far lol. I forgot sentinel got updated, that’s gonna suck bad. I do use venom more on the main so this could be a good chance to mess around with SIM
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,339 ★★★★★
    Superior Iron Man
    Marginal positives and negatives for one over the other.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,683 ★★★★★
    Superior Iron Man
    Superior Iron Man by a Multiverse

    My 7 stars is awesome
  • dr2wsdr2ws Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    Superior Iron Man
    Have him as a 7*, really fun to use, his buffs are cool as well, decent immunities/reductions.
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