Tips for Thousands of Free Units before Banquet

I know this is a bit late, but I would like to help people get as much units as possible before the start of Banquet, even if they don't have money to invest in this game.
You don't really need to be Thronebreaker+ for these tips, except maybe for the first one.
Here are the free ways I know to get units in the game :
- Story quests : There are almost 5k units (4860 units I believe) to be found in the unit paths of chapter 7,8 and 9.
- Variant (normal and easy mode) give plenty as well, you have unit at every quest and can get a total of 360 units for 100 variant / 150 units for total classique quest. I personally did chapter 1 at 100% and only one path of the two other chapters as otherwise, it is too expensive and not really worth it.
- Event Quests :
Contender : 150 units total (units every quest)
Proven : 171 units total (units every quest)
Conqueror : 150 units total (units every chapter)
Uncollected : 150 units total (units every chapter)
Same as for Variant, I advice 100% chapter 1 and only one path on the other two chapters.
- Road to the labyrinth gives 360 units total, knowing the level is pretty low and that each quest is only one path makes it extremely worth it.
- Arena (milestones + arena cristal opeining), I personally find that normal cristals were the best option to open, as the others are more luck based and my luck is as bad as it gets. In general, all the cristal are more or less worth it so try your luck if you wish to.
You can get 15 to 90 units per normal cristal, 225 units on an Uncollected cristal and 1125 units on a Thronebreaker cristal. The ratio of gold to unit is the same in all three cristals (85% chance to get gold, 15% chance to get units).
- Daily Super Events give 30 units a day on its last milestone.
I hope this helped, feel free to share your ideas if you have more that I overlooked!
You don't really need to be Thronebreaker+ for these tips, except maybe for the first one.
Here are the free ways I know to get units in the game :
- Story quests : There are almost 5k units (4860 units I believe) to be found in the unit paths of chapter 7,8 and 9.
- Variant (normal and easy mode) give plenty as well, you have unit at every quest and can get a total of 360 units for 100 variant / 150 units for total classique quest. I personally did chapter 1 at 100% and only one path of the two other chapters as otherwise, it is too expensive and not really worth it.
- Event Quests :
Contender : 150 units total (units every quest)
Proven : 171 units total (units every quest)
Conqueror : 150 units total (units every chapter)
Uncollected : 150 units total (units every chapter)
Same as for Variant, I advice 100% chapter 1 and only one path on the other two chapters.
- Road to the labyrinth gives 360 units total, knowing the level is pretty low and that each quest is only one path makes it extremely worth it.
- Arena (milestones + arena cristal opeining), I personally find that normal cristals were the best option to open, as the others are more luck based and my luck is as bad as it gets. In general, all the cristal are more or less worth it so try your luck if you wish to.
You can get 15 to 90 units per normal cristal, 225 units on an Uncollected cristal and 1125 units on a Thronebreaker cristal. The ratio of gold to unit is the same in all three cristals (85% chance to get gold, 15% chance to get units).
- Daily Super Events give 30 units a day on its last milestone.
I hope this helped, feel free to share your ideas if you have more that I overlooked!
The difference is the range of possibilities. Normal arena crystals are the cheapest, so you can buy the most of them for a given number of battleships, so you are more likely to approach the statistical average. The bigger crystals are more expensive (and return more per crystal) so you can buy fewer of them per battlechip. That means you’re more likely to see wilder differences in distributions.
In the long run, it doesn’t matter. In the short run, the question to ask is what’s more important: having a chance to do better than average, or avoiding the possibility of doing a lot worse than average. If you’re trying to maximize the upside, the gambler option, open the big crystals. If you’re trying to minimize the downside, the conservative option, open the small ones.
Then, bam: 20,000 available units for banquet.