Terms and their meaning

QQ99QQ99 Member Posts: 42
Guys, i am a newbie, started 2 months ago. I need a resource where I can read different terms and their meanings. Like what the hell is Sig and Crid etc. Like where i can read all the terms like these.
Also the summoners Sigil i have been asked to buy repeatedly, what is that? is it worth?


  • Adri5846Adri5846 Member Posts: 153
    This is just new and can help you:


    In my opinion you sholud progress in story content and get better progession title. When u reach better titles and levels could be time to spend money to get better investment returns. I think that the sigil doesnt help much but if you want to progress faster it can help you.

    Where are you in story content? I mean in acts
  • QQ99QQ99 Member Posts: 42
    I am at Act 5.
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    Sig is signature ability and level after a champ is duplicated or awakened via an awakening gem.
    Crit means critical damage output of champions (some champs don’t even crit) which can be beneficial when it works with the nodes in specific quests.
    Sigil is a monthly subscription that gives discounts on certain rank up resources and champion crystals,..and while it’s not worth it to me it very well maybe worth it for you.
    Hope that helps 😊.
  • QQ99QQ99 Member Posts: 42
    it does, thanks my man.
    i would read certain conversation on forum and would only understand 50 %.
    I read about sig in the player info, and the said the same to awaken it. does it make the champ more powerful?
    I am not a fan of paying to get resources. They should cme naturally though the games and levels.

  • tznyctznyc Member Posts: 123
    QQ99 said:

    it does, thanks my man.
    i would read certain conversation on forum and would only understand 50 %.
    I read about sig in the player info, and the said the same to awaken it. does it make the champ more powerful?
    I am not a fan of paying to get resources. They should cme naturally though the games and levels.

    Yes, more powerful, but it depends on the champ - not all need it, and not all need high levels of it

    Resources do come naturally, but just slowly for F2P
  • FeuerschwerFeuerschwer Member Posts: 454 ★★★
    For example, Nick Fury benefits a lot from having his sig awakened/activated, but additional sig levels don’t benefit him much, just slowing down the life drain slightly.
    Angela gets a bunch of utility from a high sig level, but it doesn’t affect her damage output.
    Claire Voyant’s sig ability is basically never used.

    For the sigil - it gives you a store with some trade-ins that let you sell crystal shards or catalysts for higher tier versions, a small increase to energy recharge, and a weekly quest with some units and upgrade materials. It’s by no means essential, just smallish efficiency boosts in a bunch of places.
  • QQ99QQ99 Member Posts: 42
    Got it.
    On to players, I am getting a 5 star vox and 5 star isophyne shortly. Are they both good to add to the team along with tge ones i already have ( Moonstar and Rintrah). I picked a 5star iron man infinity war, and i dumped so many resources on him. Dude cant even scratch a surface :(
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,805 ★★★★★
    QQ99 said:

    Got it.
    On to players, I am getting a 5 star vox and 5 star isophyne shortly. Are they both good to add to the team along with tge ones i already have ( Moonstar and Rintrah). I picked a 5star iron man infinity war, and i dumped so many resources on him. Dude cant even scratch a surface :(

    Picked, as in a nexus crystal ? If so who were your other options ?

    Also sorry bout the iron man, happens to the best of us. In short, isophyne will apparently be good in story questing, so she could be worth something. Same with vox. Try and focus on champions you can play well, or just get lucky and pull a Hercules, who does benefit from the awakening ability, allowing you to cheat death once per fight, able to be used pretty much infinite times in a quest.
  • QQ99QQ99 Member Posts: 42
    Not sure why they made him so weak. He was the marvel franchise for several years.
    Another dud i got was a 6 star agent venom :( . I have not ranked him up yet but the popular belief is that he has gone weak after the last update.
    Will vox and Isophyne benefit from ranking up and awakening i suppose.
  • QQ99QQ99 Member Posts: 42
    kvirr said:

    QQ99 said:

    Got it.

    Also sorry bout the iron man, happens to the best of us. In short, isophyne will apparently be good in story questing, so she could be worth something. Same with vox. Try and focus on champions you can play well, or just get lucky and pull a Hercules, who does benefit from the awakening ability, allowing you to cheat death once per fight, able to be used pretty much infinite times in a quest.

    How doe sone fight with opponents who come loaded with buffs like steroids?
    Also what to do when the opponent fills his special 1,2 and 3 very quickly? is there a way to counter it/delay it etc?

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