t4a farm guide

For paragon players, this is the list of t4a shards that can be received:
9.1 - one path each quest gives x5400 shards
8.4 exploration - 1 t4a
9.1 exploration - x85500 shards (1 t4a + 50% of another)
Necropolis path completion and exploration
One purchase of 2850x shards in the Glory store (Max purchase limit - 5)
One purchase of 2850x shards in the Battlegrounds Store (One purchase for 3000. Max purchase limit - 5)
Feel free to add any other sources I may have missed.
9.1 - one path each quest gives x5400 shards
8.4 exploration - 1 t4a
9.1 exploration - x85500 shards (1 t4a + 50% of another)
Necropolis path completion and exploration
One purchase of 2850x shards in the Glory store (Max purchase limit - 5)
One purchase of 2850x shards in the Battlegrounds Store (One purchase for 3000. Max purchase limit - 5)
Feel free to add any other sources I may have missed.