Battlegrounds Matchmaking

I keep getting matched with people with much stronger rosters than mine lately. I have 4 7* r3s, but I get matched with people with 10 to 15 r3s often. So it's really hard to make it to GC because I either have to forfeit so I'm not wasting time, or try to win but lose because they're roster is too strong and waste that time. Anyone else seeing the same?
The season is going significantly better than expected, not a fan of this meta. On the other hand, it's not just me who misses interceptions, a lot of weird results and it might be wise not to give up no matter what happens.
Think of climbing to GC as a race. The stronger players tend to climb faster. So there are more stronger players the higher you climb. As you climb you face stronger and stronger players, because of course.
The flip side is that as the season progresses, for any one rung on the VT ladder the competition tends to get weaker. Why? Because the stronger players tend to promote higher, so they leave that rung behind, which means whoever is left tends to be weaker on average.
So the faster you climb and the earlier you climb, the stronger your opponents will be. Conversely, the later in the season, the weaker your opponents will be. The combination of the two determines the average opponent you face.
Because match making is random, in the sense that you face whoever is there, if you're consistently facing opponents much stronger, that means very few players like you have made it that far yet. That means you are among the stronger, or at least faster, players who have rosters that look like yours. So of course you will tend to match against stronger players: you are one. You aren't going to match against players with the same roster as you, because most of them haven't gotten as far as you yet. Until they catch up to you, you won't see many of them.
You are welcome🎉