What happened to Beta Ray Bill?

I remember the hype around him when he was first released, we saw the insane damage, the utility, etc. Months have passed and no one is using him. I know some of the BG metas may not have favored him but still, I don't see anyone using him whatsoever. Has he simply been forgotten or are people sleeping on him currently?

He's another victim of Kabam making new attackers mid and too safe, they don't want to risk anything OP attackers, which is kinda sad.
he wasn’t made to be a BG champ anyways
BUT this meta hell yeah
I have been using him a LOT
sp2 then sp1 loop does the job for most tech champs
he is my go to counter for FAM, Red skull, Peni etc this victory track meta
mine is unduped r2
Shocks on light attacks seem to rarely get placed. I know there is a low chance, but I do multiple full combos of light attacks and have no shocks apply. Armor buff removal seems less impressive than on first glance, since only the first Medium does anything. So if you are in a armor control matchup (like a Red Skull), the amount of shortened combos or backdraft intercepts and how much power is gained, that makes for a longer fight than it should be. Charging heavy is a gamble with the Defender AI behaving inconsistently. I know his specials are designed to take into account the timer of the shock, but I feel my hair turning gray just waiting for his special animations to end.
He does great damage with his SP2-SP1 rotation. But it just doesn't feel very smooth to play, since I have to tack on several seconds of charging my heavy before my SP2, and then several seconds of medium attacks before my SP1. There are a bunch of other champions where everything feels like it flows much better (Eg. Vox, my favorite Cosmic of the past two years)
I expect he will find a niche (or several) over time but he’s not going to be a heavily used champ for me.
Why? Over getting a bunch of stuff & a 7* for 25? No regret here...
Dazzler actually looks to be good tho on the bright side (might be why the sudden shift of value of champ they put in the pass)
he is better awaken, the damage is boosted by sigs level.