[Info] How many units should I spend on banquet?

I combined the rewards tables for solo, alliance, and realm rewards, and added a column for how many units you'd need to spend too reach each reward. This assumes you got all the free banquet tickets to trade in, and that you'll reinvest the units in the rewards.


That's awesome more chances to get Medusa and I can get the glorious awakening gem to dupe her GG's W banquet event
[Edit] Updated the image to include a column for zero spend (i.e., 50 units plus reinvesting the units you get in the rewards)
Genuinely curious to see how the Realm event will go and whether we’ll make it high enough for that Isophyne dup. Sure would be nice!
Update: I see OP has already added free token bundles in calculation, so above won't hold true for me.