Banquet Rewards Calculator
I know a few people have put summaries up already, but made this for myself just to see the total rewards I'd be getting for the Banquet milestones, thought I'd share.
Pretty self explanatory, just put the units you're using as well as any banquet tokens you have in the yellow cells and you'll get your reward summary on the right. (Note: whilst SBC crystals from milestones are fed back in to the points totals, the units you get aren't. So if you plan on spending them all on crystals, you'll have to add them on yourself to your spend total)
Pretty self explanatory, just put the units you're using as well as any banquet tokens you have in the yellow cells and you'll get your reward summary on the right. (Note: whilst SBC crystals from milestones are fed back in to the points totals, the units you get aren't. So if you plan on spending them all on crystals, you'll have to add them on yourself to your spend total)
Added in a little section for the accolades, as well as made it editable for any future BC/GBC/SBC we may receive from calendars or other means. Just need to add it in the relevant yellow cells.
Also, I made it for my own refernce so only added in SBC purchasing points, but I have now added in a section to toggle this to GBC if that's all you can purchase as well. Just make sure you specifiy GBC or SBC in the relevant box at the top. (As far as I know, they cost exactly the same so that shouldn't change anything, but if that is an error, just toggle the GBC cost box to its correct value).
Not 100% sure how much BCs are, I assume 30 maybe? But didn't add in a toggle for that since I assume people only buying BCs aren't really going to be using this
Yes, that is true - glad that they've made the upgrade this year.