What makes a champion good and what makes at champion trash?
So what is it ? I always see people asking is X good or is X bad. But in reality’s what is it really? Extra points what’s makes a champion “God tier”
others its if they can speed kill while countering their abilities since bgs is about time so they need a champ that can be fast lose low health while ignoring the abilities that makes them tough.
If designed for everest etc then there ramp should feel good enough and better than those that dont need to ramp up like theres been a few non ramp champs being better at everest than the ramp up champ
But to be real the best champions generally have a combination of relatively easy to access damage and fairly broad utility; bad champs have damage potential that is extremely hard to access (Super Skrull for instance) or just not there, and not enough ability to counter evade/miss/direct damage/annoying nodes to make up for it.
Bad yellow number = Bad
Anyways for the current game state, someone who is good needs to
a) be a good enough all-rounder to be good in a wide range of matchups
b) have something that makes them stand out in comparison to other top tier champs
Don't listen to utility frogs, if there's no damage, that utility goes down the drain,
Perfect example of recent times, leader and patriot
Don’t know how to use effectively? - trash.
Some other people value how fun a champion is to use. Others value ease of use or the utility of a champion. Some are blind to anything that doesn't have big yellow numbers (this one is probably the largest subsection of the vocal community). Most of the rest of everyone falls into the mindset of not creating their own opinions and as such just latch onto what some YouTuber or what someone said about the champion and take their word as law. That last set is the most fun to interact with for multiple reasons because they're the people who 3 years ago would tell someone brand new to the game to rank their unduped 6* ghost because she was the best champion in the game, while ignoring the fact she was one of the most difficult champions to use, especially for a beginner. It's even more fun when they are told a champion is good, or hyped by some showcase they saw of the champion, so they rank them up without even testing them and then get mad at the person when they either are 1. Using the champion in the wrong way (like just parrying and doing MLLLM attacks with ghost) 2. Using the champion in a bad matchup (like using ghost vs CGR).
My favorite people are those who use RoL winter soldier of the be-all end-all of testing a champion. For example, using isophyne against RoL WS is not a great matchup for her. It makes her feel fairly weak. However, using Isophyne versus Serpent is a lot better matchup, especially when she is awakened.
TL:DR people have different preferences and instead you should just rank Sersi and call it a day.
Its a good champ if its can take not only advantage class but a lot of other classes even its disadvantage class because of its big damage or damage type or immunities or easy to play or the combination of those things.
Kate Bishop can take Mutants because not rely on bleed but coldsnap
Red Magneto can take Tech because its good against metal, boost the specials
Future Ant-Man can take Cosmic because its potent power drain, damage cap, disintegration, also the resistance
Cosmic Ghost Rider can take Mystic because its damage is so big and quick, also the immunities
Kushala can take Science because the various type of damage like soulbarb, also the immunities
Photon can take Skill because its energy damage and immune to bleed
So, if its a "counter alot" type champ, not only a "counter someone" type champ then its a sign of a good champ or even top tier
KB cannot take on Mutants. Magneto's magnetism fails. etc etc.
Good as defender
Trash as attacker.
Those champions who, you use as an attacker, are okay with you making a mistake and help recover and complete the right are considered good champions. Those who doesn't like you making mistakes are trash
I'd put Scorpion at the top of the list for a champion that can over come most objectives.
I play Battlegrounds but I don't enjoy it, and I hate the fact I've ranked up what I'd call "dirty tactic champs" just to throw at people on defense, yes I'm talking about champs like bullseyes, fury & korg lol