Leader patriot thoughts

So as an owner of a R2 leader and a R5 max sig and ascended patriot, I've used these 2 champs everywhere, including bgs where I'm currently sitting in mysterium 1, and though I've not always understood why you choose to balance certain champs, but it's kind of always panned out.. now with the leader and patriot, I've found patriot to be decent, and the leader overwhelmingly lack luster in all his target match ups and truly believe you've got it wrong on this occasion.. unfortunately I'll be benching my leader and he'll gather dust, which is so unfortunate, as he has some of the best looking specials, and his concept is incredible and he's so enjoyable to play.. Small tune up to his furies would do the champ so many favours as he hits like a 5 star ramped up and his power reversal damage just tickles. but hey ho, another balance update another disappointment.. however I enjoy patriot and him getting a buff is a bonus but the leader needs it way more imo, and he was my first ever pre release purchase, I do really enjoy him..
What's everyone else's thoughts..
What's everyone else's thoughts..
This is one of the few times I timed out with Leader. You know what meta this is? The crit me meta. Against Man-thing, who is absurdly tanky, in a meta where Leader can’t use any of his degens, regen reversal, or power dissolve. If he can put up this much with his measly basic hit damage, he can end fights in normal circumstances.
I think this is just gonna have to be a difference in perspective either way. Personally, I value utility. Patriot really only had damage going for him, and I can easily name fifty champs who do more damage than him. Leader does utility like ability power rate reversal. You can name several champs and argue they do that utility better, but you certainly can’t name fifty. In my eyes, that makes Leader better by default.
Notably, the Man-thing, Kindred, and Mephisto fights were all with indomitable (no heal reversal) and I went sp3 instead of sp2 because I was testing his general-purpose degen damage.
But my point I believe still stands, I find patriot alot more useable.. but, we all play the game differently, but a heck of alot of people are gutted the leader isn't getting love.. I can see him getting buffed in the future.. seems like people only use him alot based on the fact he's unique..
Haven’t had him long though.
I’m not a rush through everything and hit high level pvp stuff either.
Wanting or needing specific champions in a game full of hundreds means some that will be what you’d consider duds.
Game is not just for you or just the end game players and whales.
The whales got their serpents and bullseyes. Then got their NGTW, spirals and such.
There are other people that just like the characters and want to have fun just playing the game.
Personally, I would not use him unduped. The extra debuff when light intercepting is a big deal since it speeds up his rate of inflicting debuffs by up to 50%, which is very relevant for both his damage and utility. That and without the dupe he doesn’t get access to his steadfast, which is absolutely one of his best qualities imo. I don’t think he needs max sig necessarily, but you want it as high as possible.