I don't see me using Maestro for anything and I don't care enough about BG's to rank him for defense, so I'm hoping the nexus gives me a champ I actually want from the Titan unlike most of my normal ones.
Unless you use an awakening gem I am pretty sure this is the only way to dupe Maestro
I might be wrong but I feel like his defensive value has decreased alot.Only way for him to f you up is if you draft really badly, talking BGs wise and rarely use him on attack anyway. Do you use him anywhere outside BGs? The war meta where he was needed on p9 I consider it an exception
Unless you use an awakening gem I am pretty sure this is the only way to dupe Maestro
I might be wrong but I feel like his defensive value has decreased alot.Only way for him to f you up is if you draft really badly, talking BGs wise and rarely use him on attack anyway. Do you use him anywhere outside BGs? The war meta where he was needed on p9 I consider it an exception